Sunday, October 10, 2021

End of the Season Party

This afternoon we had the privilege of hosting the Bethany boys' tennis team end of the season party.  It was the perfect day for it as the weather was absolutely beautiful for October 10th.   We took advantage of it with corn hole, lasso golf and a bonfire set up in the backyard.  The boys ate outside as well and enjoyed the brats, hot dogs and macaroni and cheese that Doug made for them.  Grandma Jane's and Rachael Leininger's desserts were a big hit as well.

It was a lot of fun watching the boys interact with one another today.  They all enjoyed giving Cameron a hard time about being a Lions fan and trash talking each other during the after dinner ping pong tournament.  Doug and I were both impressed that all three of the coaches joined the festivities tonight and seemed to have just as much fun as the boys.  The majority of the team headed home by 7:30, but the Jacobs stayed until well past 9:00 o'clock playing pool and using the Nintendo Switch on the projector.  We were glad to hear from Cameron that he really enjoyed the evening.

Right before Matt left, he asked Doug and I if we would be willing to be the "Team Mom" again next fall.  We were both happy to say yes.  Tennis has been a wonderful experience for Cameron and we're glad there's another season left in his high school career for all of us to enjoy.  

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