Saturday, October 16, 2021

IU Football vs MSU

It was the perfect day for an IU football game.  The weather was in the mid-60s with a lot of sunshine and we had plenty of tailgaters stop by our IU tent.  I appreciated that Doug and Cameron were there early to set up for everyone as the grass lots were pretty much filled by 8:30 a.m.  Since Brett was available to drop me off before work, I didn't have to be there quite so early.  Doug and Cameron had fun throwing the football until we all got there.

I was the first to arrive, around 9:30.  Doug's shredded potatoes in the crockpot were delicious and the new suggestion for cooking the antipasto squares made them even better than last time.  Cal and his friends were next to arrive.  It was fun catching up with Jayce, Mark and Riley as well as Cal.  We also got to see some of his roommates from years past as well.  Everyone enjoyed giving Cameron a hard time about the Lions and he was pleased that he got several of them to try the new Pepsi Mango flavor (his least favorite one.)

Meg and friends arrived shortly after Cal's group.  They were five of them in total and they added pumpkin donuts to our food table.  It was fun talking with them as well.  They enjoyed the food, drinks,  IU tattoos and several games of washers as well.  Cal's group was the first to leave as they had another tailgate to stop by this morning.  Only two of Meg's friends joined her at the game and they left early to print one of their tickets.  We had just enough time to pack up before we needed to head into the gates as well.  

We knew the football game would be a tough one for IU as Michigan State was ranked in the top ten this week.  IU was used to being in that position as their three previous losses were to top ten opponents as well.  We were pleased that IU scored first and were extremely impressed with their defense.  By halftime we thought that there was a chance that the Hoosiers would pull off the upset.  We loved the halftime show as the IU marching 100 even spelled out "Tom Allen" during their performance.  We had company for the second half as the Eagans joined us.  They had come down for homecoming as well and were glad to see us sitting so close by their seats.  We enjoyed catching up with all of them and had fun cheering for IU.  The game remained close, but unfortunately, IU just couldn't pull out the victory losing 15-21.  We were disappointed, but happy to have watched in person.

Cameron and Meg hung out at her apartment after the game while Doug and I cleaned up from the tailgate.  It had been extremely muddy at the grass lot, but with a little bit of effort I was able to clean everyone's shoes as we needed them for our Florida trip.  Once Brett got home, the five of us headed to Kirkwood for dinner.  It was absolutely packed with the football crowd.  We tried several different restaurants, but they couldn't guarantee us timely service especially if we sat outside.  We gave Cafe Pizzeria a chance and not only did they have an outside table for us, but provided excellent service as well.  As soon as we sat down, Cal and Mark walked by our table.  They had been enjoying the early evening at Kilroy's.  They didn't want to stay for dinner, but stopped to talk for awhile.

The rest of the night was a quiet one.  Meg went home to study and the four of us played Ticket to Ride.  Brett walked with Cameron back to Meg's afterward, and Doug and I watched  a Clint Eastwood special.  By the time Brett got back "Every Which Way But Lose" was on and we started the first part of the movie.  None of us were up for a late night this evening and turned in well before midnight.  It was definitely a busy day in Bloomington and one that we all enjoyed very much.

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