Thursday, October 28, 2021

Mr. Positive

In general I talk to Brett about every day.  It amazes me how incredibly positive he can be, no matter how his day has been.  It doesn't matter the situation, he always finds a way to see the bright side of life.  I am not a negative person, but definitely tend to be more of a pessimist then Brett.  In most situations, the worst case scenario pops to my mind first and foremost.  I don't know if that is because as a child one day I woke up and my family's life completely changed drastically or if it is just my way of preparing for the worst.  I do know that up until the last decade I truly believed that if everything was going well, something bad would happen.  

Talking with Brett has changed my perspective dramatically.  The last two nights were the perfect example of how well he handles even the most minor inconveniences of life.  Yesterday, he went to see the Dennis James Halloween performance at the IU Auditorium.  He called on the way to the bus stop to let me know how much he enjoyed it.  While we were talking, he realized that he had just missed the bus back to his apartment.  Instead of complaining about waiting twenty minutes for the next one to arrive, he told me that he was going to catch up on his story writing on his phone with the extra time.  He said that he was  thankful that he didn't have to walk all the way home as his feet were tired from the long walk that he had taken earlier in the day.

Tonight, Brett texted me once he got home.  I was really sad to see that his plans for the evening had changed from hanging out with a friend to cleaning his apartment.  I was sure that he would be extremely disappointed when I called him later in the evening to find out what had happened.  I don't know why I thought that he would be completely bummed.  I should have known better.  Brett explained to me what had happened and how he was looking forward to tomorrow night's plans with a different friend.  He was also super excited about an old movie he found on Disney+ that he was able to start tonight.  The only negative part on the evening was the fact that he still needed to do laundry - a chore that he would much rather give up.  I don't know why I ever thought that the conversation would be different.  Brett is definitely "Mr. Positive" and I appreciate that about him very much.  

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