Friday, October 29, 2021

Supply Shortage Woes

Today I spent four hours shopping in Goshen.  It wasn't because I was enjoying a leisurely day looking for fun items for the home.  It was mostly because I was trying to find groceries at a reasonable price.  I had been used to the shortages due to the pandemic and for awhile had even stockpiled some of the groceries that we used the most.  I wasn't prepared, however, for today's adventures filled with not only shortages of products but higher prices as well.  Some items were $1 more than when I went grocery shopping before our Florida trip two weeks ago.  By the time I got through Menards, Aldi and Walmart this afternoon, I almost cried when I realized that I would still have to stop at Martin's to buy Diet Coke as the shelves were bare in the Coke aisle at the other three.  Fortunately, I was able to finally find everything on my list and even got a good deal on pop once I went to the customer service area to ask about the sale price in their ad.  Even though I was glad to have found all that we needed, I definitely didn't enjoy searching the town for overpriced groceries.  Thankfully, today's trip wasn't a total frustration.  While I was grocery shopping, I was also able to buy the gifts for the tennis coaches and some clothes at Kohl's.  That was a lot more fun.

Tonight was a lot more fun for all of us as Doug brought home fish meals for us from Bethany's Fish Fry this evening.  He didn't get to see Cameron while he was waiting, but viewed a few of his friends hard at work.  After dinner we played Ticket to Ride, finished the Conjuring and worked on the Charlie Brown puzzle.  Cameron got home later than usual, but was happy to report that the Fish Fry went very well.  He worked as a section head with the current senior leader.  Next spring, the juniors will be in charge, and Cameron felt that he was ready for that.  We already started talking about who he could sell tickets to in 2022.  

Overall, the evening ended way better than the afternoon.  I keep hoping that soon prices will return to normal and shelves will be full.  With the projected inflation predicted by economists, I just don't see it happening anytime in the near future.  Therefore I will just have to get used to my own version of Supermarket Sweeps.

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