Saturday, October 9, 2021

Proud to be a PMer

In addition to her fall semester classwork, Meg spent quite a bit of time this past month researching companies for internships, applying for jobs, and interviewing for positions.  Thankfully, she was able to drop cost accounting to open her schedule to work on this project.  It was overwhelming at times, but overall a good experience for Meg.  She went to Kelley networking events, was invited to interview with multiple companies, had several second interviews and eventually was given two early offers from highly reputable accounting firms, Andersen Consulting and Plante Moran.

Meg spent the last week debating between the two offers.  She was super excited about both.  Doug told her that she couldn't go wrong with either as both companies would give her a great experience for working in the accounting field.  The location didn't affect her decision as both positions were based out of Chicago and could offer virtual work for part of the time.  One paid a little bit more, but not enough to make a difference.  Cal was obviously pro-Plante Moran, but had a friend that worked at Andersen.  His friend had nothing but good things to say about the company.

In the end Meg decided to accept the offer from Plante Moran.  She knew that Cal had had a positive experience with the company and hoped that it would be the same for her.  She was extremely happy and relieved to finally have the internship process over with for the time being.  Meg received an email right away welcoming her to Plante Moran family.  Doug and I were extremely proud of her and know that it will be a wonderful work experience for her first accounting position.   


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