Thursday, October 14, 2021

A Day Just for Packing

I have always hated packing for trips, but today's felt even more overwhelming.  Not only did I have to pack for our five days in Florida, but I also had to pack for five days in Bloomington.  Since the weather forecasts were extremely different, I couldn't overlap packing clothes at all.  We will also be tailgating at both upcoming IU games, so we had to plan for those as well.  To add frustration to today's packing adventure, my lower back started hurting and it was really hard to stand or lift much of anything.

Thankfully, Doug and Cameron were more than willing to help pack tonight.  That made a big difference in getting everything ready well before bed time tonight.  In fact with their help we got so much done, Doug and I had time to play Ticket to Ride after dinner.  Brett took advantage of a free night after work this evening to pack his suitcase as well.  He called when he finished and we agreed that we were all ready for our fall break adventure next week.  We still have to get everything in the Pilot tomorrow and that may mean an afternoon of playing "Jam Pack Van", but I feel positive that we will be able to "win" that game this trip.

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