Wednesday, October 27, 2021

I Got You Babe

An added benefit to cleaning out the upstairs closet at my parents' house has been all of the pictures that I have found from my childhood.  My mom doesn't really like to look at them because they bring back a lot of sad memories for her.  I can totally understand that and see why they have been in tubs for years.  I was happy that I decided to start this project now as I didn't realize how many there really were until we began the sorting process.  Even though it has been a little overwhelming at times, I have had a lot of fun looking through them all.  There were a lot that I remembered and many that I had forgotten.  

Most of my favorite pictures that I found were from the time period before Bunk died.  He and I spent a lot of time together and the pictures reflected that.  One that stood out to me was from a trip that our family took to Michigan.  The four of us were seated in an antique car.  Since my mom didn't really like having her picture taken, it was a rare treat to have one with all of us in it.  

The other reason that I really enjoyed the picture was that it reminded me of how much I thought my parents looked like Sonny and Cher when I was younger.  I grew up at the height of their popularity and my mom's long black hair and my dad's thick sideburns were a spot on match for the famous couple.  Once I found the picture again, I decided to post it on Facebook.  I didn't expect to get much of a response, but I must have triggered a lot of memories for other people as well.  I was glad that so many of our family and friends enjoyed the throwback to the seventies pictures as much as I did.  By the time I went to bed there were 47 reactions and 25 comments.My favorite comments centered around my Dad's pants, but the best may have been from my Uncle Dean, "The Beat Goes On."  It certainly does.  

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