Friday, October 8, 2021

A Birthday of Memories

I spent a lot of time this week going through several tubs and boxes in my parents upstairs closet.  In it were some of my favorite toys, photos and memories of my childhood.  I really enjoyed looking through and organizing it.  My brother and I may have been five years a part in age, but we spent quite a bit of time together.  I loved thinking about all that we did together while sorting through his prized possessions.  One of my favorites pieces of his that were stored away was a necklace that he made the summer before he died with his name on one side and the girl he liked on the other.  I also loved finding his beloved stuffed animal "Snerdly" as my mom and I were concerned that it had been misplaced.  We found the nightlights that Grandma Guard gave to us when we were little and even Bunk's Gayle Sayers' autograph.  The pictures of our Christmases together were priceless and something that I will always cherish.  

The walk down memory lane meant even more to me this week as today would have been Bunk's 58th birthday.  Sometimes that day makes me sad as I think about all that he didn't get to do during his lifetime.  This year, however, I was happy when I thought about the day as I was able to remember all that he did get to do during his thirteen years and what an important part of my life he really was.  Those eight years were the best of my childhood and it was nice to relive them this week.  

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