Sunday, October 17, 2021

Disney or Bust

Last weekend our trip to Disney World looked a little uncertain.  We had everything planned and paid for, but Southwest had had trouble with their schedules and over 30% of their flights were cancelled or delayed.  Both Brett and I were worried about our trip as flights were still being affected last Tuesday.  Doug and I weighed through our options.  We could cancel our trip (which no one wanted to do) or we could watch the flight schedules and weather patterns on Friday and Saturday.  Then if it looked as though our flight out of Cincinnati would be affected, we would leave Saturday after the game and drive the 13 hours to our resort.  

Thankfully, in the end we had nothing to worry about as our flight took off exactly as scheduled this afternoon and we actually landed in Orlando ten minutes early.  The magical express area had changed and I was disappointed not to get a Disney bus.  Overall, however, I was glad for a free ride to our hotel.  We had never stayed at Saratoga Springs before and were happy to try out the resort.  Our room was perfect for the four of us with plenty of space and a balcony as well.  We had a small kitchenette which we filled with the snacks that I had packed, and the sink was helpful for rinsing out our refillable resort mugs.

Once I unpacked a few items, the four of us headed to Disney Springs.  Part of the reason that we picked Saratoga Spring was the ability to walk to our favorite shopping/restaurant area in Orlando.  Brett and Cameron were completely impressed with the Disney Springs renovations as a lot had changed since the last time they had been there.   There were definitely more stores to look through and restaurants to chose from for our dinner plans.  

My first stop was Gideon's Bakery.  We hoped to purchase cookies for breakfast, but they had no spots left in the virtual queue.  We also struck out with Wine Bar George as they had a private party scheduled for this evening.  Neither of these were too big of disappointments as we had plenty of other choices and we enjoyed walking up and down the paths of Disney Springs.  In the end we chose Splitsville for dinner as they had outdoor dining and a variety of food on the menu.  Brett picked his usual, fish n chips, which he really liked.  Cameron ordered a club sandwich and Doug and I split the nachos.  We all enjoyed our food very much and the service was fantastic.

We spent the rest of the evening shopping.  We stopped in the M & M store, the Coke store, the Irish gift shop, World of Disney and the Pin Traders.  The boys each had fun looking for gifts for their friends.  As much as they liked the Disney stores, I believe that the Coke store may have been their favorite of the night.  No one really bought much as we knew that we would be back to Disney Springs later in the week and wanted to wait and see what else we found at the parks.  We did make a big score for breakfast.  We were able to pick up donuts at Everglazed.  I had always wanted to try it and we had never been able to get in to it before.  Cameron chose a coconut mounds donut; I picked the peanut butter explosion and Brett found a chocolate extreme one.  We were all thrilled with the first leg of our trip and talked about our plans for the week as we walked back to our resort.  

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