Monday, October 25, 2021

Rain, Rain, Go Away

While we were in Orlando, the weather for the first part of the week in Northern Indiana was unseasonably warm with lots of sunshine.  The lawns were summer green and the flowers were still in bloom.  Even the leaves in the trees hadn't changed much and it didn't look like we would need to start raking anytime soon.

All of that changed this past weekend as the rains started and the temperatures changed drastically.  The sun was nowhere to be found and our rain gauge was filled to the four inch mark by late last night.  The rain not only made the 40 degree temperatures feel colder, but brought down a backyard full of leaves that will need attention soon.  As much as I told Doug that I would really miss fall weather in Indiana when we moved south, I was reminded this weekend that it wasn't all sunshine and beautiful autumn colors in the Hoosier state.  

Thankfully, tomorrow and Wednesday are supposed to be nicer with warmer temperatures and sunny afternoons.  I am hoping that I will be able to take a walk outside.  It was a little boring today walking around the inside of the house multiple times to reach my desired 10,000 steps.  After the cold weather spell, I decided that it was time to put away all of my summer shoes.  It was sad to see the boots in the basket instead, but I guess that is the reality of what's around the corner.  Even if the weather turns colder, at least we will have the holidays to look forward to soon.

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