Sunday, October 24, 2021

Home Sweet Home

We were up and on the road before Cameron and I were even awake this morning.  I don't think that either of us said a word before we got to Indy.  As tired as I was, I was thankful that we left early as we were home and had the Pilot unpacked by 1 p.m.  As soon as lunch was over, Doug ran to the grocery store and then worked the rest of the afternoon.  Cameron reacquainted himself with Madden on the PS4.  I spent my day unpacking.  We had not been away from home for ten straight days since the spring of 2019.  I forgot how long it took to sort laundry and unpack the suitcases after such a long trip.  Grandma and Grandpa stopped by to visit for awhile.  It was nice catching up with them.  Once they left, I ran Anna's Halloween gift to Aunt Jan.  I hate mailing anything lately due to the poor postal service right now, so I was thankful that she could take it to her.

Cameron spent the evening in Goshen with his friends.  They went to Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner and then hung out at Avery's.  Cameron also gave everyone the gifts that he had picked out for them while we were at Disney World.  He had found some neat souvenirs for each of them.  While he was gone, Doug and I played Ticket to Ride and started on the "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" puzzle.  It has always been a challenging one and I don't think that we'll finish it until Thanksgiving, but it was a relaxing way to spend the evening after such a busy vacation.  

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