Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Covid Boosters

Several weeks ago the FDA and CDC approved Covid booster shots for those 65 years and older who had originally gotten the two dose Pfizer vaccine last spring.  My parents fit the qualifications in age and length of last shot, so I helped them sign up for the booster dose.  It was an easy process as the Ligonier Fire Department was hosting a shot clinic.  During that time frame, I even helped one of my Dad's friends sign up for the booster as well.  Although he had to drive a little further to Albion, he was appreciative of the opportunity to maintain his Covid immunity.

While we were in Florida, the FDA and CDC also approved boosters for individuals who had received the Johnson & Johnson or Moderna vaccine as well.  Since those were the two types that Doug and I had gotten, I decided to do a little more research on the topic once we got back home.  I found out that Doug would need his booster as soon as possible as the J & J vaccine strength began to wane after two months.  Doug's last shot was in March, so it was definitely a priority to make him an appointment.  I also read more about the recommendations for the Moderna booster.  Since I had asthma and was over 50 years old, I qualified for the booster as well.  I also found out during my search that Meg should get a booster shot since she was still working at Bell Trace which put her at high risk of being exposed to the coronavirus.  

Once we knew who needed the booster doses, I started to look online for places that we could received the extra immunization.  Meg's was easy as the Pfizer vaccine was available at multiple places in Bloomington.  I set her up with an appointment on Monday November 1st as she wanted to wait until after her accounting midterm this week.  Next, I was happy to see that the Walgreens in Goshen was also offering booster shots.  I made myself an appointment for Monday after lunch and one for Doug when he got off of work that afternoon.

I arrived at my appointment on Monday fifteen minutes early.  I was absolutely floored when I saw a sign that said, "Pharmacy closed due to staff shortage."  I asked the attendant what that meant for those of us with booster appointments and he said that "it was too bad and we were out of luck."  I was annoyed, but didn't let it ruin the day.  Instead I looked online for other possibilities once I got home from grocery shopping.  Both Walmarts in Goshen had vaccine booster appointments available.  I signed Doug up for a 5:40 p.m. slot at the Walmart closest to him, and he got a booster quickly and easily on his way home from work.  I waited until today to drive back to Goshen with a 10 a.m. appointment at the pharmacy.  It took a little while to get through the registration process, but by 10:45 a.m. I had waited my required fifteen minutes and was back on the road home thankful that we had added another layer of protection to our immune system.

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