Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Tonight was Bethany's annual parent-teacher conferences.  We had requested any time after 5 p.m. and were surprised to see that we got the 8:10 - 9:00 time slot as neither of us realized that conferences were scheduled that late.  In the end it worked out well as Doug had to work, and in all honesty, we were just thankful that conferences were in person this year.

Cameron had suggested that we meet with five of his seven teachers this evening.  Since we had talked with Aaron, his band instructor, several times before, Cameron felt that a conference with him wasn't necessary.  I had also talked with his anatomy teacher multiple times this fall at tennis, so neither Cameron nor I were worried about that one either.  

Doug and I started in Pre-Calculus with Renae.  We were pleased to hear that he was doing well in the class and that Renae had started some calculus concepts with the students as well.  She was also excited to hear about Cameron's new role as statistician on the girls basketball team since she was extremely involved with the team as well.  

Our next stop was Brent's US History class where we talked about Cameron's analytical analysis of the four presidents who were impeached, and the current Columbus Day/Indigenous Peoples Day debate.  Cameron obviously enjoyed the history class very much.  From there we headed to Calvin's room and found out that Cameron has been excelling at chemistry.  Therefore, we spent our conference time instead focusing on what classes Cameron could take next year in the science department that would prepare him for college.  

The fourth teacher on our list was Michael.  Before we talked about English, he wanted to catch up on what Meg had been up to at IU.  Afterward, he filled us in on the book that they would be reading for the next quarter and Cameron's ability to express himself in writing.  The last room of the night was Spanish.  We had not met Gabby before as she was new last year.  Once again, we were pleased to hear how well he was doing in Spanish 3 and how he was putting his new language skills to good use.  Overall, it was a great night and we were more than pleased to hear how well Cameron was doing in his junior year of high school.

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