Sunday, October 3, 2021

This is Halloween, This is Halloween!

Doug and Cameron left at about the same time early this afternoon -  Doug, for work and Cameron to Goshen to celebrate Samuel's 17th birthday.  Since I had the whole day at home by myself and it was past October 1st, I decided that it was the perfect time to get out the Halloween decorations.  In September Meg and Brett had both asked for some decorations for their apartments.  I had found some to give them, but hadn't completely sorted through my five orange tubs stored in the basement.  

Today I had plenty of time to do just that and started pulling out every fall, Halloween or Thanksgiving decoration that I could find.  Once I got everything unwrapped and organized, I sent pictures to Brett and Meg.  They each found some more decorations that they would like to have.  I also emptied the tin of Halloween toys and stuffed animals that we had accumulated over the years.  I was happy that the only items that we kept were the Simpson's Halloween Burger King toys that Brett and Cal had collected years ago and a few items that Cameron asked us to hold on to once he had a chance to look through the tin as well.  

It took a lot longer than I thought that it would, but by the end of the night I had a box of Halloween items ready for the garage sale, two bags to take to Bloomington and enough left over to still decorate the house.  There definitely was less than in years past, but enough to make our home look festive.  The one set of items that everyone agreed that we couldn't get rid of were the Halloween themed Miller Lite/Genuine Draft bottles that Doug and I accumulated one fall in college.  They were the perfect candle holders and all of the Heinisch children said that they reminded them of their Dad.  This year, instead of being relegated to the basement bar, they proudly took their place on the fireplace mantle as there was finally room for them.  

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