Sunday, October 31, 2021

Happy Halloween

Although it was a low key Halloween for our family compared to ones from the past, it was definitely busier than last year.  Due to the pandemic, we did not participate in any Halloween activities except for watching scary movies in 2020.  Although no one went Trick or Treating this year, we did keep the Halloween spirit alive in the Heinisch family with several of our family traditions and a lot of new activities as well.

Last night Cal dressed up with his friends to represent one of Chicago's legendary musical acts - The Blueman Group.  Their costumes were a big hit and we enjoyed the pictures.  He arrived home this afternoon and was happy to fill us in on his evening.  Meg spent the weekend in West Lafayette.  She and Nick had fun watching Halloween shows, visiting a corn maze and buying candy for the Trick or Treaters.  Brett had visitors both nights of the weekend.  He enjoyed hanging out with his friends and watching some of his favorite movies and Halloween specials.  Cameron was home most of the weekend.  We appreciated spending time with him as he only had the fish fry on his activity list this weekend.  

I hadn't really decided if I wanted to hand out candy to the trick or treaters this year, but Doug really wanted to do so.  I was glad that he talked me into it as we enjoyed looking at all of the costumes.  We each only knew one family that rang our doorbell tonight.  That was different than in years past, but other than that it was a lot of fun.

After trick or treating was over, we turned on the movie, Halloween.  Cal and Doug had just listened to a podcast about it and were interested in rewatching one of their favorite scary movies.  My parents hadn't seen it in years, so they decided to stay and watch it as well.  Doug and I worked on the Charlie Brown puzzle at the same time.  I didn't realize until we were well into the movie that I didn't have to even look up.  I could tell exactly what was happening just by listening.  That's the sign of a good movie in my book - one that I have memorized.  Whether I watched or just listened, it was the perfect way to end the Halloween season.   

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Not What We Expected This Football Season

There was no family more excited about the start of college football season than the three Heinisch members still at home.  We bought IU season tickets, we made menus for tailgates in Bloomington, we talked about attending other college football stadiums, and we even started making plans for going to some bowl games in December.  The Hoosier's opening game at Iowa gave us a little reason to worry, but the Hawkeyes proved that they were a good team and we were all positive that IU would still easily finish above 500 on the season.

Fast forward two months and a lot has changed.  Saturdays have actually become depressing as our weekends have started to revolve around watching IU lose and trying to still be optimistic about the rest of the season.  There have been legitimate reasons for the Hoosiers lack of success this year including injuries and a tough schedule.  Today, however, it was hard to remain positive after the game.  IU had lost to a mediocre Maryland team ending their chances of a having a winning season and definitely dashing their hopes for invitation to a bowl game.

Cameron handled it as well as he could.  He decided that a long walk on the WACF and a pop from Casey's would make the situation at least tolerable.  After dinner we all played several games of pool which helped elevate everyones moods as well.  By the end of the night and a viewing of 1963's The Haunting, we were finally able to talk about IU football without becoming depressed.  Thankfully, there's always another game, another team, or another season to talk about.  For this fall that will have to be enough.  

Friday, October 29, 2021

Supply Shortage Woes

Today I spent four hours shopping in Goshen.  It wasn't because I was enjoying a leisurely day looking for fun items for the home.  It was mostly because I was trying to find groceries at a reasonable price.  I had been used to the shortages due to the pandemic and for awhile had even stockpiled some of the groceries that we used the most.  I wasn't prepared, however, for today's adventures filled with not only shortages of products but higher prices as well.  Some items were $1 more than when I went grocery shopping before our Florida trip two weeks ago.  By the time I got through Menards, Aldi and Walmart this afternoon, I almost cried when I realized that I would still have to stop at Martin's to buy Diet Coke as the shelves were bare in the Coke aisle at the other three.  Fortunately, I was able to finally find everything on my list and even got a good deal on pop once I went to the customer service area to ask about the sale price in their ad.  Even though I was glad to have found all that we needed, I definitely didn't enjoy searching the town for overpriced groceries.  Thankfully, today's trip wasn't a total frustration.  While I was grocery shopping, I was also able to buy the gifts for the tennis coaches and some clothes at Kohl's.  That was a lot more fun.

Tonight was a lot more fun for all of us as Doug brought home fish meals for us from Bethany's Fish Fry this evening.  He didn't get to see Cameron while he was waiting, but viewed a few of his friends hard at work.  After dinner we played Ticket to Ride, finished the Conjuring and worked on the Charlie Brown puzzle.  Cameron got home later than usual, but was happy to report that the Fish Fry went very well.  He worked as a section head with the current senior leader.  Next spring, the juniors will be in charge, and Cameron felt that he was ready for that.  We already started talking about who he could sell tickets to in 2022.  

Overall, the evening ended way better than the afternoon.  I keep hoping that soon prices will return to normal and shelves will be full.  With the projected inflation predicted by economists, I just don't see it happening anytime in the near future.  Therefore I will just have to get used to my own version of Supermarket Sweeps.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Mr. Positive

In general I talk to Brett about every day.  It amazes me how incredibly positive he can be, no matter how his day has been.  It doesn't matter the situation, he always finds a way to see the bright side of life.  I am not a negative person, but definitely tend to be more of a pessimist then Brett.  In most situations, the worst case scenario pops to my mind first and foremost.  I don't know if that is because as a child one day I woke up and my family's life completely changed drastically or if it is just my way of preparing for the worst.  I do know that up until the last decade I truly believed that if everything was going well, something bad would happen.  

Talking with Brett has changed my perspective dramatically.  The last two nights were the perfect example of how well he handles even the most minor inconveniences of life.  Yesterday, he went to see the Dennis James Halloween performance at the IU Auditorium.  He called on the way to the bus stop to let me know how much he enjoyed it.  While we were talking, he realized that he had just missed the bus back to his apartment.  Instead of complaining about waiting twenty minutes for the next one to arrive, he told me that he was going to catch up on his story writing on his phone with the extra time.  He said that he was  thankful that he didn't have to walk all the way home as his feet were tired from the long walk that he had taken earlier in the day.

Tonight, Brett texted me once he got home.  I was really sad to see that his plans for the evening had changed from hanging out with a friend to cleaning his apartment.  I was sure that he would be extremely disappointed when I called him later in the evening to find out what had happened.  I don't know why I thought that he would be completely bummed.  I should have known better.  Brett explained to me what had happened and how he was looking forward to tomorrow night's plans with a different friend.  He was also super excited about an old movie he found on Disney+ that he was able to start tonight.  The only negative part on the evening was the fact that he still needed to do laundry - a chore that he would much rather give up.  I don't know why I ever thought that the conversation would be different.  Brett is definitely "Mr. Positive" and I appreciate that about him very much.  

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

I Got You Babe

An added benefit to cleaning out the upstairs closet at my parents' house has been all of the pictures that I have found from my childhood.  My mom doesn't really like to look at them because they bring back a lot of sad memories for her.  I can totally understand that and see why they have been in tubs for years.  I was happy that I decided to start this project now as I didn't realize how many there really were until we began the sorting process.  Even though it has been a little overwhelming at times, I have had a lot of fun looking through them all.  There were a lot that I remembered and many that I had forgotten.  

Most of my favorite pictures that I found were from the time period before Bunk died.  He and I spent a lot of time together and the pictures reflected that.  One that stood out to me was from a trip that our family took to Michigan.  The four of us were seated in an antique car.  Since my mom didn't really like having her picture taken, it was a rare treat to have one with all of us in it.  

The other reason that I really enjoyed the picture was that it reminded me of how much I thought my parents looked like Sonny and Cher when I was younger.  I grew up at the height of their popularity and my mom's long black hair and my dad's thick sideburns were a spot on match for the famous couple.  Once I found the picture again, I decided to post it on Facebook.  I didn't expect to get much of a response, but I must have triggered a lot of memories for other people as well.  I was glad that so many of our family and friends enjoyed the throwback to the seventies pictures as much as I did.  By the time I went to bed there were 47 reactions and 25 comments.My favorite comments centered around my Dad's pants, but the best may have been from my Uncle Dean, "The Beat Goes On."  It certainly does.  

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Covid Boosters

Several weeks ago the FDA and CDC approved Covid booster shots for those 65 years and older who had originally gotten the two dose Pfizer vaccine last spring.  My parents fit the qualifications in age and length of last shot, so I helped them sign up for the booster dose.  It was an easy process as the Ligonier Fire Department was hosting a shot clinic.  During that time frame, I even helped one of my Dad's friends sign up for the booster as well.  Although he had to drive a little further to Albion, he was appreciative of the opportunity to maintain his Covid immunity.

While we were in Florida, the FDA and CDC also approved boosters for individuals who had received the Johnson & Johnson or Moderna vaccine as well.  Since those were the two types that Doug and I had gotten, I decided to do a little more research on the topic once we got back home.  I found out that Doug would need his booster as soon as possible as the J & J vaccine strength began to wane after two months.  Doug's last shot was in March, so it was definitely a priority to make him an appointment.  I also read more about the recommendations for the Moderna booster.  Since I had asthma and was over 50 years old, I qualified for the booster as well.  I also found out during my search that Meg should get a booster shot since she was still working at Bell Trace which put her at high risk of being exposed to the coronavirus.  

Once we knew who needed the booster doses, I started to look online for places that we could received the extra immunization.  Meg's was easy as the Pfizer vaccine was available at multiple places in Bloomington.  I set her up with an appointment on Monday November 1st as she wanted to wait until after her accounting midterm this week.  Next, I was happy to see that the Walgreens in Goshen was also offering booster shots.  I made myself an appointment for Monday after lunch and one for Doug when he got off of work that afternoon.

I arrived at my appointment on Monday fifteen minutes early.  I was absolutely floored when I saw a sign that said, "Pharmacy closed due to staff shortage."  I asked the attendant what that meant for those of us with booster appointments and he said that "it was too bad and we were out of luck."  I was annoyed, but didn't let it ruin the day.  Instead I looked online for other possibilities once I got home from grocery shopping.  Both Walmarts in Goshen had vaccine booster appointments available.  I signed Doug up for a 5:40 p.m. slot at the Walmart closest to him, and he got a booster quickly and easily on his way home from work.  I waited until today to drive back to Goshen with a 10 a.m. appointment at the pharmacy.  It took a little while to get through the registration process, but by 10:45 a.m. I had waited my required fifteen minutes and was back on the road home thankful that we had added another layer of protection to our immune system.

Monday, October 25, 2021

Rain, Rain, Go Away

While we were in Orlando, the weather for the first part of the week in Northern Indiana was unseasonably warm with lots of sunshine.  The lawns were summer green and the flowers were still in bloom.  Even the leaves in the trees hadn't changed much and it didn't look like we would need to start raking anytime soon.

All of that changed this past weekend as the rains started and the temperatures changed drastically.  The sun was nowhere to be found and our rain gauge was filled to the four inch mark by late last night.  The rain not only made the 40 degree temperatures feel colder, but brought down a backyard full of leaves that will need attention soon.  As much as I told Doug that I would really miss fall weather in Indiana when we moved south, I was reminded this weekend that it wasn't all sunshine and beautiful autumn colors in the Hoosier state.  

Thankfully, tomorrow and Wednesday are supposed to be nicer with warmer temperatures and sunny afternoons.  I am hoping that I will be able to take a walk outside.  It was a little boring today walking around the inside of the house multiple times to reach my desired 10,000 steps.  After the cold weather spell, I decided that it was time to put away all of my summer shoes.  It was sad to see the boots in the basket instead, but I guess that is the reality of what's around the corner.  Even if the weather turns colder, at least we will have the holidays to look forward to soon.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Home Sweet Home

We were up and on the road before Cameron and I were even awake this morning.  I don't think that either of us said a word before we got to Indy.  As tired as I was, I was thankful that we left early as we were home and had the Pilot unpacked by 1 p.m.  As soon as lunch was over, Doug ran to the grocery store and then worked the rest of the afternoon.  Cameron reacquainted himself with Madden on the PS4.  I spent my day unpacking.  We had not been away from home for ten straight days since the spring of 2019.  I forgot how long it took to sort laundry and unpack the suitcases after such a long trip.  Grandma and Grandpa stopped by to visit for awhile.  It was nice catching up with them.  Once they left, I ran Anna's Halloween gift to Aunt Jan.  I hate mailing anything lately due to the poor postal service right now, so I was thankful that she could take it to her.

Cameron spent the evening in Goshen with his friends.  They went to Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner and then hung out at Avery's.  Cameron also gave everyone the gifts that he had picked out for them while we were at Disney World.  He had found some neat souvenirs for each of them.  While he was gone, Doug and I played Ticket to Ride and started on the "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" puzzle.  It has always been a challenging one and I don't think that we'll finish it until Thanksgiving, but it was a relaxing way to spend the evening after such a busy vacation.  

Saturday, October 23, 2021

A Super Fun Tailgate, a Miserable Football Game

Today's activity revolved around the IU vs. Ohio State football game at Memorial Stadium.  Doug spent the morning cooking minestrone and antipasto squares for the event, while Cameron kept up on the noon game scores.  Once the food was ready and the cooler was full, Doug and Cameron headed over to the grass lots by the football field.  They were glad that they left early as the lot filled shortly after they arrived close to 2:30 p.m.  Meg had to study this afternoon, so I stayed at Brett's and waited for her to finish before we met up with them.  We parked near Brett's old IU apartment and walked to their spot.  Everything was set up and ready for us to join them.

Doug's minestrone was very good as were the antipasto squares.  He had brought muffins for dessert which I really appreciated.  Meg's friends, Carson and Andrew, joined our group shortly after we arrived.  They live close to the stadium and had been watching the crowds all day.  Wifi was spotty during the afternoon, so it was hard for Cameron to watch football as the day wore on, but he did get to see the nine overtime Illinois victory against Penn State.  That game and Purdue's loss to Wisconsin made everyone happy.

The three of us decided to go into the game once Meg left to go back to her apartment.  Just as we arrived in the stadium, it started to rain.  At first it wasn't much, but it picked up the closer it got to game time.  It was a sold out game and by kickoff every seat around us was taken.  We decided to spread out a little bit and sat in the general section in the corner across the stadium where we had plenty of room to watch IU tie the game in the first quarter, 7-7.  Unfortunately, after that first touchdown run, the Hoosiers were completely overmatched.  Early in the second quarter, IU was down 21-7 and did not have any answers to the Buckeyes' offense.  To add insult to injury the skies opened up when the second quarter started and we got absolutely soaked.  With three minutes to go in the half, Doug and Cameron decided to call it a night and we left with a lot of other Hoosier fans.  By the time we reached our car, Ohio State was up by four touchdowns and we were thankful to have missed the last few scores.

We all changed once we got back to Brett and Meg's apartments.  I was extremely thankful for a hot shower.  Doug ran to Pizza X to pick up pizza and breadsticks for everyone.  Meg took a break from study and joined us for awhile.  Brett had worked the concession stands for the Knights of Columbus after he finished his shift at Storage Express.  He was at the game a lot longer than we were, and enjoyed it much more.  It was crowded and busy, but he had fun helping and was reminded of how happy he was to have switched careers from food service to inside sales.  Although the game wasn't what we had planned for, we did enjoy the tailgate and hoped for a better outcome at our next home game in November.  

Friday, October 22, 2021

Back in Bloomington

I was so incredibly thankful that we flew home last night.  It not only saved us another hotel stay, but allowed Doug and Brett to work today and Cameron and I to enjoy a relaxing day in Bloomington.  I used the free day to catch up on some much needed rest and Cameron used his to beat a few new levels on Mario Super Strikers.  He and I were happy that Meg had time to spend with us today as well in between her lunch and dinner shifts at Bell Trace.  After Meg's first shift the three of us had lunch at McAllister's Deli.  Cameron had never been there before and we all enjoyed our meals.  We stopped back at Brett's to drop food off to Doug which he appreciated very much and then headed to Hobby Lobby.  We looked for a fun craft to work on this evening, but didn't find anything exciting.  

Meg had to be back to Bell Trace at 4 p.m.  While she was there, Doug and I ran to Kroger to pick up food for tomorrow's tailgate.  We couldn't believe the lines at the grocery store, but made it through relatively quickly.  Once we returned to Brett's apartment, Cameron, Doug and I played several rounds of Sequence.  Cameron destroyed us as always, but it was fun trying to beat him.  Meg got off work at 7:45 and we headed to Kirkwood for dinner.  We tried Crazy Horse first, but it was a 45 minute wait.  No one wanted to wait that long, so we tried Mother Bears next, no luck there either.  I suggested Bucceto's and we headed out toward the mall.  Thankfully, they had plenty of room and we all enjoyed our calzones and pasta dinners.  Meg next had suggested that we order cookies from Crumbl, a favorite of her friends.  We picked up four different ones to try.

Brett had wanted us to meet Norman, so we stopped by his apartment before heading to Meg's.  Norman was enjoying all of the toys that Grandma Jane had sent down for him.  Sean and Brett were watching "An American Werewolf in London" and catching up on their week.  We returned to Meg's for football and dessert.  The cookies were delicious and Doug alsoappreciated the piece of carrot cake that Meg brought him from Bell Trace.  Today may have been a quiet one for all of us, but a fun one just the same.  

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Last Day at Disney

Today was our last day at Disney and we made the most of it.  The boys were at Animal Kingdom well before the 7:30 early morning hours started.  By the time Doug and I packed our room, took the luggage to bell services and met them at the park, Brett and Cameron had already ridden Avatar, Expedition Everest (twice) and dinosaur.  We were impressed and were thankful that they waited to ride the safari ride with us.  Since we rode it in the morning the animals were extremely active which made for some awesome pictures.  We also enjoyed the aviary on the Gorilla Falls trail.

After the rides we took in three shows.  The first was Flights of Wonder, a bird show, that Doug and I had watched on our last trip.  The boys liked it as much as we did.  The next was a new show to Animal Kingdom, Kite Tails.  It had gotten a lot of attention on Tik Tok and I really wanted to see it.  There were no kite crashes today, but it was definitely worth experiencing.  The boys really liked it and Doug found it "interesting."  I was just glad to get it on video for Meg.  Nothing beats a high flying King Louie.  The last show of the morning was "It's Tough to be a Bug."  Cameron had missed it on his last trip in 2020 as he had to leave early due to a cancelled/rescheduled flight home.  It was as fun as he remembered and we were glad to have watched it with him.

We mobile ordered lunch from Harambe marketplace and enjoyed the different dishes we tried.  Our last stop of the trip was a ride on the Na'vi River Journey.  Cameron and I both really wanted to ride it and for awhile it looked like we would have to save it for another Disney trip.  Park goers using the new paid  Lightening Lanes made the standby line twice as long as usual.  The cast member in charge of the queues was only letting in one group from our line for each fifty people in the new fast pass replacement line.  Thankfully, someone else took over and we got on a little over an hour after we had joined the line giving us plenty of time to get back to Saratoga Springs to catch our Magical Express.

Our time in the Orlando airport and flight home all went very well.  I watched Ratatouille, Brett read, Cameron finished the Power and the Glory for Michael's class and Doug slept.  We still had a two and a half hour drive home once we arrived, but it wasn't too bad especially since we saved over $500 each by flying in and out of Cincinnati instead of Indianapolis.  Meg waited up for Cameron, which we appreciated.  No one stayed up late, but at least long enough to unpack the Pilot and grab a snack before heading to bed.  

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

50 Years of Memories

When Disney World announced that they would be celebrating the 50th anniversary of the opening of Magic Kingdom this October, I was excited that Cameron had picked the most magical place on earth for his fall break destination.  My family had visited Magic Kingdom the first year it opened and I thought it would be awesome for me to visit it with my family fifty years later.  To make it even more nostalgic I found a picture of me with Minnie Mouse on my first trip to Disney World right before we left.

Today was the day that we set aside to visit Magic Kingdom.  Once again we were up well before 7 a.m. to take advantage of the early morning magic hours and were happy to ride Peter Pan, Space Mountain and Buzz Lightyear before the park officially opened.  While we were walking from ride to ride, we  enjoyed the golden 50th anniversary statues.  I also made sure to have Cameron take my picture in front of Cinderella's castle which was also decorated for the occasion.  

We chose a new restaurant for lunch, the Jungle Navigation Co., Ltd. Skipper Canteen.  Cal and Meg were extremely disappointed to hear that we bypassed Cosmic Rays this trip.  Doug was never a fan of the restaurant and Cameron and Brett were okay skipping it this year.  The cuisine at Skipper Canteen was definitely a lot better than chicken tenders and hamburgers.  Brett chose a curried stew, while Cameron tried their rib dinner and Doug and I split two appetizers.  The food was delicious and the atmosphere was perfect for lunch.  We were seated next to the "wall of China" and got to hear multiple "Skipper" jokes while we were eating which made up for missing Sonny Eclipse.  We also enjoyed looking at the memorabilia on the way in and out of the restaurant including a picture of "Albert Falls."  We were all pleased with our new lunch spot based on Doug's favorite ride.

After lunch we headed back to the hotel to take a break for the afternoon.  Brett and Cameron spent some time in Disney Springs and Doug and Cameron tried out the pool at Saratoga Springs when they got back.  The guys decided to go to EPCOT for dinner tonight where they sampled the Heinisch family's "greatest hits".  I wanted to join them, but was just too tired.  I decided to rest at the hotel and met them back at Magic Kingdom afterward for the extra evening magic hours.  The bonus for me was that I got to order a chili cheese dog from Casey's Corner for my late night meal.

The park was still crowded when we got there at 7:30, but by the time extra magic hours started at 9 the crowds had lessened quite a bit.  I was surprised by how many families tried to stay even thought they weren't in a deluxe resort.  One group in front of us became irate when they heard that they didn't qualify.  I was glad that we had upgraded as we finished all of the rides that we missed this morning including Little Mermaid, Winnie the Pooh, Small World, Seven Dwarfs Mine Train and Big Thunder Mountain.  We even got a second turn on two of our favorites, Pirates of the Caribbean and the Haunted Mansion before we were ready to head back to our hotel.  Overall, it was a wonderful day celebrating 50 years of memories at Magic Kingdom.  

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

EPCOT Food & Wine Festival

After a late night at EPCOT, we were all thankful to sleep-in this morning.  It was the perfect day to rest as the first item on our agenda was Fantasia mini-golf and they didn't open until 10 a.m..  When I booked our Disney package we were given free tickets to our favorite recreational activity which we really appreciated as it saved us over $50.  We were also glad that we knew from all of our stays at the Boardwalk that the easiest way to get to the miniature golf course was to take a bus to Hollywood Studios and then use the walking path between the Boardwalk and the Swan & Dolphin to get there.  

We arrived after the posted opening time and expected to wait to play mini-golf.  Fortunately, the course wasn't crowded and we were called to the first tee immediately.  Brett started off on fire and took the lead early.  Cameron rallied and went around him by hole nine.  It was a close match on the back nine, but thanks to a challenging 17th hole, I beat Cameron by 1.  Brett was right behind us, missing second place by two strokes.  Doug was uncharacteristically last this round.  No matter the score, we all had a lot of fun.

From Fantasia mini-golf we walked over to EPCOT.  A big part of the reason that we booked our fall break trip was to enjoy the delicious food of the EPCOT Food & Wine Festival which has quickly become Cameron and Doug's favorite time of the year in Disney World.  We traveled through each of the countries and booths focusing on food and drinks that we hadn't tried yesterday.  The Lobster Landing and Flavors by Fire were big hits today.  While we were walking through the countries, we were also able to find the rest of the Remy characters that we missed yesterday with Japan being the most challenging to find. Once we finished, Cameron was able to choose from three fun prizes for completing the Remy chart.  He really liked the Figment Food & Wine candy dish that he picked out.

Today in EPCOT wasn't all about eating and drinking.  We also had time to ride a few attractions as well.  Our favorite was the new Remy ride in France.  Even though I had gotten up early to get a boarding pass from the virtual queue, we still had to wait an hour in line.  It was worth it, however, as we all enjoyed the new adventure.  Doug, especially, was impressed with the animation interaction.  On our way out of the park we made sure to ride Meg's favorite, Gran Fiesta Tour, in Mexico.  We also had time for Figment, a priority since Cameron missed it on our last trip.  Soarin' had a short line as well and we rode it for a second time this trip.

We decided to spend our evening in Disney Springs.  Doug and Brett headed there straight from EPCOT to get us a place in line for Gideon's Bakery and to enjoy Raglan Road, an Irish bar.  Cameron and I took advantage of our refillable mugs back at Saratoga Springs before joining them.  Our method of transportation was the coldest bus that we had ever ridden on before, but it helped us arrive just as Doug and Brett made it to the front of the line at Gideon's.  Brett and Cameron really liked the bakery and we all picked cookies to take back to our hotel.   The food trucks were open for dinner and all of the the guys chose different types of macaroni and cheese while I stuck with my usual, a Texas chili dog.  We spent the rest of the night shopping with the majority of our time at the Coke Store.  Before Brett found new pajamas and Cameron and I bought shirts there, Doug and Cameron tried some new mixed flavors of Coca- Cola drinks.  Cameron's was a gingerbread shortcake Coke and Doug's was habanero lime Fresca.  They were definitely interesting and fun to try.  The boys were able to find something for each of their friends during the rest of our shopping trip and we were back at the hotel before 10 p.m.  Our feet were definitely ready for a break as we walked 28,500 steps on the day.