Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Final Chapter

While I was at the volleyball tournament watching Bethany's JV team finish second to Wawasee, Cam asked me if I could pull up Cal's Instagram photo.  As I am not on that app often I was so incredibly glad that he said something to me.  There smiling at me were my two favorite seniors with Cal's caption "The Final Chapter."

After seeing the post, I thought a lot tonight about Cal and Jayce's journey over the past eight years beginning during their 8th grade basketball season.  Their friendship goes beyond what I've ever known or witnessed.  One of their roommates told me last fall that sometimes he gets overwhelmed being with the two of them.  He is positive that Cal and Jayce are able to read each others' thoughts.  I knew that he was correct.  They learned to communicate without talking many years ago on the long bus rides to and from basketball that had to be endured in silence. 

Thinking of those two fourteen year olds starting high school together, navigating not only its hallways, but also friends, girlfriends, teachers, family made me smile today.  Each would have enjoyed IU without the other, but being there together has made that experience all the better.  They truly are brothers in arms, bounded by a shared journey.  Their loyalty is ever present, yet, they are not afraid to challenge one another either.  It is this ability to push each other that has brought out the best in each one.  They've shared good times and bad and have had so much fun along the way.  Smiles, laughter, stories, and common experiences have helped them to create memories that will last a lifetime.  I know that this may be their "Final Chapter" at IU, but I am ever so glad, however, that this won't be their final chapter as friends. 

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