Thursday, August 8, 2019

A Quiet Day at Home

I walked again after I dropped Cam off at school.  I got home in time to see Meg before she left to go shopping with Nick.  Meg had to pick up her order from Hollister and Nick needed to buy dress shoes.  While they were gone I decided to weed all around the house.  It has never been my favorite job, but I knew that I had better get it done before it got out of control.  It took a lot longer than I thought it would, but I also cleaned the front porch and back deck.  After five hours of weeding and cleaning everything looked great, but I was ready for a break. 

I spent the rest of the afternoon resting as much as possible.  Meg and Nick were home for awhile, but only long enough for her to get ready for her dinner with Sophie.  As Cam was on a retreat and Doug had county council, it was pretty quiet in the Heinisch home after Meg left.  I had started watching Breaking Bad on Netflix after I finished Riverdale, but tonight I decided to watch something I knew that no one else in the Heinisch family would be interested in - a 90210 reboot called BH90210.  I had never really considered watching it, but the more I read about it, the more I thought "Why not?"  I had been one of the biggest Beverly Hills 90210 fans when the show was poplar in the nineties.  Even with that, I probably wouldn't have even considered it had I not reconnected with one it's major stars, Luke Perry, who played Archie's father on Riverdale.  He had died unexpectedly of a major stroke in February.  Therefore, I wanted to see how BH90210 would handle the loss of my favorite character.  All in all the new show was actually better than I thought it would be.  I doubt anyone who wasn't a fan of the show would agree, but it kept me entertained.  They did mention the loss of Perry several times doing the show, and ended with a tribute to him that made me tear up a little.  Overall, it was a nice way to spend a quiet evening waiting for Doug to get home. 

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