Friday, August 23, 2019

Ladies Night

Tonight was ladies night, or as Mary called it, "Old Ladies Night."  She had texted me first thing this morning to see if I was available for dinner.  Doug and I had just been talking about what we were going to do this evening, and since we didn't have any set plans, he encouraged me to join my friends for dinner.  I offered for everyone to come over to our house, order out, and enjoy our back patio.  Mary took me up on it and let me know later in the day that Paula, Betsy and Wendy would be joining us as well. 

Since I had plans, I texted Cam to see what he wanted to do tonight.  He decided to have Conner spend the night with the idea of going to the JV volleyball tournament at Wawasee tomorrow.  With Cam and I busy, Doug planned on grilling a pizza, reading a book and enjoying a bonfire.  The night went well for everyone.  I really appreciated seeing my Milford friends.  Paula caught us up on life as a high school teacher while Mary talked about her plans for 7/8 science.  Wendy was still adjusting to the new schedule in special education and Betsy was enjoying her new 6th graders.  We also talked about family and friends and our plans for the fall.  While we were chatting on the back porch and eating salads from Sleepy Owl, Doug hung out by the fire and Cam and Conner threw around the frisbee.  It was a beautiful night to enjoy our backyard.  I was thankful that we all were able to take advantage of it.

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