Sunday, February 11, 2024

Super Bowl Sunday

Tonight was the accumulation of the NFL season with the Super Bowl being played in Las Vegas for the first time ever. It was a different experience for each of us, but a fun one for all.  Brett spent his Super Bowl Sunday at the Knight's party much as our family did when we lived in Syracuse.  It had some differences in Bloomington, however, as they all actually watched the game.  Brett said that he enjoyed it, but was bummed that none of the five squares that he bought brought him any money.  Every time he was close, San Francisco would score and ruin his chances for a win.  Thus, he became a hardcore Kansas City fan tonight.

Cal was also hopeful of winning some money, albeit a lot more than Brett.  He just needed the 49ers to win by 1, 2, or 3 points.  They definitely had a chance and for awhile Doug and I both thought that they would.  Patrick MaHomes was just too good and the Chiefs won by four in overtime.  Cal wasn't too disappointed and was glad that he had a reason to watch even though the Bears hadn't even made the playoffs this season.

Meg sat out this year.  She had heard enough about football all season long from everyone else in our family including Nick.  She was also tired of all of the Taylor Swift hype and had no interest in even watching the commercials.  Nick was traveling, so he watched it on his own.  As a big San Francisco fan, he was the most disappointed.  He decided, however, that the whole season had been scripted with KC the intended winner all along.

Cameron made it back to Bloomington in time to watch the Super Bowl with his floor mates in the lounge.  He wasn't too excited about the game ever since his beloved Lions lost two weeks ago.  He did enjoy the Chipotle that the floor provided and found the poor play calling of San Francisco's coach in the over time interesting.  

I felt like Cameron did about watching the game this year.  My heart wasn't in it without Detroit.  I did, however, decide to support the 49ers and thought watching them lose was really disappointing, especially knowing that Cal had lost out on his big payoff.  Doug had the best night of all of us.  He made a turkey brat dinner with chickpeas and roasted potatoes.  It was warm enough to eat outside and watch the first half of the game on the projector.  Both he and Phil were rooting for the Chiefs, so the outcome was favorable to him as well.  Overall, the night was better than I thought that it would be two weeks ago when the Lions lost.  It gave us all something to talk about and there were some great commercials this year including a Ben Affleck Dunkin' Donuts one that we all loved.

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