Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Fully Vaccinated Part Six

Cal left early this morning for his 8:20 a.m. vaccination appointment.  I know that he wasn't excited about getting a shot, but he knew it was important for life in the Heinisch home to fully return to normal.  I was excited to know that all six of us were finally fully vaccinated and was extremely proud of our family for taking this step.  It had been a long year of worrying about the unknown virus and I was glad to get a break from that.  I realized that we may all need a booster shot in the fall, but for now we could breathe a sigh of relief.  Fortunately, besides a sore arm, Cal felt pretty good afterward, just a little tired.  He spent the rest of the day working from home and studying for his upcoming CPA exam.  He left for Chicago at 5:30.  I was sad to see him go, but knew that he was ready to get back to his own life. 

The rest of us had a busy day as well.  Meg worked on I-Core almost the entire day.  She and I found time to watch some fun James Corden Broadway Crosswalk Musicals, take a walk and start a plan for her move to Fountain Park in June, but otherwise she spent her time doing homework.  I met Cam at Dr. Freeze's office this morning so that they could check his vision for his sports physical.  That went well and we were able to schedule his meningitis shots for late June before we left.  He appreciated the Subway lunch I brought him since he missed some of his free period today.  Afterward I was finally able to get the Pilot washed and then stop at Menards to load up on bird feed.  It took me over a half hour to fill all of the feeders once I got home, but I know that the bluejays appreciated it.  Brett called to check in after his time volunteering at the Bloomington food bank.  It was a lot of heavy lifting, but he felt very good about helping out.  Doug left for Indianapolis late in the morning.  He was invited to spend the next two days at a golf resort near Tampa with the management of Champion and members of DW.  He was excited about the opportunity and nervous about his golf game.  The last time he played with Cam, he hurt his arm and didn't want a repeat of that.  His flight got delayed out of Indy, so he spent three hours in the airport waiting to board.  He didn't mind as he got a lot done for work and was still in Florida before 10 p.m.  I was happy to see that he made it.  It was definitely a fruitful day for all in the Heinisch family.  

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