Monday, May 17, 2021

A Trip to the Doctor

A year ago I had talked to Dr. Cook about a small bump on my skin that was concerning to me.  He looked at it and said that it wasn't anything to worry about unless it got bigger or started to hurt.  I was happy to hear that and didn't think much about it until last week when it became extremely painful to touch.  Since he was the one that I had talked to about it, I thought that I should call his office first.  They wanted to see me as soon as possible, so today I spent the morning at Dr. Cook's office. 

I had the weekend to research the possibilities of what could be causing the problem.  By Saturday, I couldn't shake the feeling that it was actually Squamous Cell Carcinoma.  I realized that there was only a 0.6% chance that that would be the diagnosis,  but no matter how many times I read that it was probably an infected hair follicle, I was convinced that it was skin cancer.  On Sunday, I finally calmed down.  It didn't really matter what it was, I needed to have it looked at and then deal with the results.

Dr. Cook was reassured me right away that it was actually an infected follicle and took care of the problem immediately.  He prescribed me a round of strong antibiotics and sent me on my way.  I was relieved to have the issue resolved and called Doug to give him the news.  I stopped at Walmart on the way home to pick up a few items.  While I was there I saw a woman wearing a scarf on her head and a shirt that said "Cancer Sucks."  I thought a lot about her after I left.  She was right, cancer did suck.  We learned that through Jeanette's battle with ovarian cancer.  I remembered how it was back then and could only imagine how the woman in the store felt with her chemo treatments, loss of hair and concern about the future.  I knew after that brief moment in the store, that there was no way that I would complain about the side effects of the antibiotic that I was going to have to take for the next week.  It was unfair to those with real health issues.

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