Saturday, April 24, 2021

Some Great Finds

Cameron had another busy day today as he played golf, visited Bailee, went shopping at Target and ended his outing at Breece's surprise 17th birthday party.  He has definitely taken advantage of having his driver's license.  We've enjoyed listening to all of the adventures that he's been having.  Today he ran inside to let us know that the key was stuck in the ignition and there was nothing he could do to get it out.  I causally asked, "Did you put the van in park?"  He went back out to check and sure enough problem solved

While Cameron was out Doug decided that our downsizing project of the weekend was to clean out the attic.  Since he's the only one that goes up there, I wasn't sure what that would entail.  The attic definitely took us a lot longer than I thought that it would, but in the end we were both glad that we worked on it.  We were able to throw out an entire garbage can of items plus fill part of Grandma's.  As has become the norm there were quite a few empty boxes stored in the attic that needed to be recycled.  Doug also had two cases of empty beer bottles that he had saved when he thought about making his own beer.  Those went into the recycling pile as well.  A Star Wars slip and slide, a framed monopoly poster and a few pairs of shoes were just some of the items that we hauled out of the attic to store at Grandma's for the garage sale.  We found another box of my awards from golf.  I was a little overwhelmed when I saw those, but after I decided to put them aside to work on after we got back from Florida, I felt better.  Doug brought down Cal's golf net.  He's going to set that up in the backyard for Cameron to use as well as the hammock.  There was an area rug for Brett's apartment and several kitchen trash cans that Meg could use in her new apartment as well.  I don't know what I was most excited about finding up in the attic - Jim's paintings and drawings, my wedding Vermont Teddy Bears or the Winnie the Pooh comforter set that all of the Heinisch children used as a toddler.  Between those and the artwork that we cleaned off of the shelf above the front door, it was a fun afternoon of walking down memory lane.  We didn't keep everything, but enjoyed the pieces that we stored away.  I wasn't sure that I wanted to take on the attic today, but in the end felt happy to have completed another big project in our goal to downsize by the time Cam graduates.  

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