Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Hit Me With Your Best Shot

 Today started off great.  I felt awesome when I woke up.  I took Cam to play golf and exercised.  I started two loads of laundry and put the rest of what we unpacked from Bloomington away.  Cam and Breece made plans to play tennis in the afternoon.  Breece offered to take Cam to Black Squirrel for practice after they finished their tennis match.  Since it was less than ten minutes from Bethany I agreed and headed to Walmart to buy groceries after I dropped Cam off at the tennis courts.  I had extra time once I unloaded the groceries before I had to go back to Goshen, so I took a 40 minute walk.  In retrospect I probably should have taken it easy instead, but it was so incredibly gorgeous out and I wanted to spend some time in the sunshine on this record high day.

I got home and sat down for a little while after I walked.  Meg called and as we were catching up I realized that I wasn't feeling well.  She thought it was the heat as it was the first 80 degree day of the year.  I actually thought I was hungry.  I decided to try a small snack and an ice pack for my neck but after fifteen minutes I still didn't feel quite right.  Even though I had had my second shot over twenty-four hours earlier, I decided to go ahead and see if I had a fever.  Lo and behold it read 100 degrees.  I was floored as my temperature usually stays around 96.7.  I tried it again, but it read the same. 

I spent the next fifteen minutes trying to get my fever to come down.  The ice packs helped a little, but once my heart rate when up I decided that it was time to call my parents to pick up Cameron at Black Squirrel.  I was afraid that my heart would start racing on the way over or that I would get a migraine.  They didn't mind going, but as soon as I called them I started crying.  I had prided myself on being independent while Doug was gone, so I was pretty mad that I had to ask anyone to do anything for me.  Thankfully, they were able to help and I laid down until Cam got here.  I still felt horrible the rest of the night and my fever never dropped below 100 degrees, but I was able to play some cards for a little while and  fold all of the laundry that I started.  I was exhausted by the time I thought about going to bed, but at least I knew that my vaccine was working.  The side effects were nothing compared to getting Covid.

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