Saturday, April 3, 2021

Brown County and More

Everyone got up early this morning to play Ticket to Ride with Brett.  We had planned on it last night, but watched The Emperor's New Groove instead.  We had eaten out so many times already that we decided on leftovers for lunch.  It was strange to have ordered out that much as we seldom do at home.  The guys had a 12:10 tee time at Cascades.  Cameron had shot a 38 yesterday and was hoping to stay in the same range today.  While they were gone, I cut Brett's hair.  It was by far the longest that I had ever seen it and he was more than ready for a trim.  Unfortunately as I was cutting it, I accidentally slashed my finger.  I had never done that before and it made it a little challenging to finish the haircut.  Thankfully, we made it through and Brett was happy with the outcome.

With Brett at work and the guys golfing, I worked some more on organizing a few areas of Brett's apartment.  Meg will be moving in the first part of May so she will need some room.  He is also scheduled to have his apartment remodeled and will have to have his personal items boxed up for the quick renovation.  Meg arrived from Bell Trace just as I finished.  She grabbed the box of bourbon chicken for lunch before she headed home to shower.  Once Meg got ready and the guys finished golfing we all drove to Brown County for an afternoon of hiking.  We went on the same three mile path that we had before, but did it in reverse this time.  It was a little more challenging as we had a fifteen minute straight uphill double digit stair climb to start and a long, steep downhill stretch on the way back.  As tough as it was, we all really enjoyed it.  

Dinner tonight was at Cafe Pizzeria.  Although Doug and I never dined there in college, their pizzas and Stromboli sandwiches have become a Heinisch family favorite.  They also have plenty of outdoor picnic bench seating on Kirkwood making it easy for a large group like ours.  Doug and I were wiped out from our afternoon hike that we decided after dinner to watch television and play games for the rest of the evening.  Brett made it home just after ten to join us, happy to be done with his work week and even more glad to have finished his Lenten promise of no alcohol for the season.  He planned to celebrate with a few beers after midnight.  

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