Saturday, April 6, 2019

Let the Unpacking Begin

It was hard to get out of bed this morning, but by lunchtime I was up and ready to get started on the day.  Adjusting to Eastern time will be a challenge, but at least we have two days to do so before school and work resume on Monday.  I had planned to spend the majority of the day unpacking, but the weather was beautiful.  Therefore, Doug and I ran to Menards to get mulch for the backyard.  We also picked up groceries at Walmart as we had very little to eat in the house.

The rest of the afternoon was spent unpacking some of our belongings, talking a walk, spreading mulch and burning leaves.  Meg had hoped that Nick would be home tonight, but his family got stuck in traffic in Tennessee and only made it to Louisville before stoping for the night.  While everyone was busy, Cam played golf with Grandpa and was proud of his 88 especially since he two putted all eighteen greens.

Grandma made dinner for Cam and Meg while Doug and I went to Oakwood to eat.  It was nice to spend some time with him after our trip.  We both had such a wonderful vacation and would definitely visit San Diego, Disneyland and Carmel again.  We thought that we would add Yosemite and more wine tasting on the next trip.  Our hope would be to get Cal and Brett out there as well.  Although it won't be anytime soon, but still fun to talk about.

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