Sunday, April 28, 2019

A Weekend of Movies

Brett and I started our weekend of movies with a showing of Dumbo at the Linway Cinema theater in Goshen Friday night.  He had already seen it with my parents, but agreed to go with me again since Doug, Cam and Meg weren't that interested in it.  Cal had also went to it with Hannah-Marie and concurred that it was well worth seeing.  We arrived early and I was glad that we did.  The parking lot was absolutely packed.  This weekend the new Avengers movie opened and the hype was huge.  Most shows were already sold out and there were lines filled with ticket holders waiting over an hour just to get a seat.  Brett and I did not have to fight any of the crowds for Dumbo, but did park quite a bit away from the theater.  The movie was the perfect family film complete with a happy ending.  I was surprised how much different it was from the original animated version and was glad that Brett and I were able to make time to see it.

Later Friday night Brett, Doug and I watched Shakespeare in Love.  This was Brett's first viewing of the movie, but he had been talking about watching it for years.  He remembered seeing scenes of it in high school English class and was glad to have finally completed Mrs. Thornburg's favorite movie.  After game night was over last evening, Doug and I decided to watch yet another movie.  We had found several on Amazon Prime that we were interested in giving a chance.  Brett reviewed our watchlist and highly recommended that we give Congo a try.  I had never heard of it, but Doug had.  It was based on a Michael Creighton book and came out around the same time as Jurassic Park.  The three of us enjoyed it, although not quite as much as the dinosaur movie.  The gorilla animatronics just weren't the best, but the plot was a good one.

Brett and I ended our movie watching weekend back at the Linway Cinema this afternoon.  We had seen previews of Shazam several months ago and really wanted to attend it opening weekend.  We didn't quite make it then, but were happy that we got a chance to watch it today.  The theater was still packed with sold out shows of The Avengers, but thankfully we did not have to fight the crowds in our auditorium.  Brett and I loved the movie from start to finish.  It followed much of the same storyline as the comic book adding in more humor than what was on the pages.  We definitely gave it a two thumbs up in our review to Doug and Cameron.  I do not get to the movie theater as much as I used to, but was glad to have had the opportunity this weekend.  Brett's always up for giving a film a try and I was happy that he and I could spend that time together.

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