Friday, June 21, 2024

Trying Something Else

The past three years have been a struggle with doctors.  I haven't really felt listened to when we have visited them, especially in regards to Doug's health.  One doctor even said in her report that I was completely incorrect in my observations and ignorant in my knowledge of Doug's tremor.  Needless to say, I have lost faith in getting any type of help for him.  

Our new doctor, however, has given me a little bit of hope.  Recently she ordered a more thorough blood work up on him and found out that Doug has a vitamin B12 deficiency.  By chance, my cousin Jackie has the same medical issue.  Last week, I was able to ask her a lot of questions.  That was really helpful as we prepared to met with our new family doctor today.  Thankfully, this doctor listened more than any other doctor had in the past three years.  She agreed that low vitamin B12 could be a cause of some of Doug's health issues.  She acknowledged that it could lead to neurological issues and some of the other health problems that Doug had encountered.  On her recommendations, he began Vitamin B12 shots this afternoon and planned on continuing them every two weeks for the next two months.  She also gave Doug something to try for his tremor when it is at its worst.  She was also able to diagnosis his cough as a symptom of acid reflux and started him on a prescription right away.  

Doug and I both felt really good walking out of the doctor's office today.  We don't know for sure that his health issues will completely resolve, but at least we felt like we had been heard.  That was all that we were asking for several years ago when Doug first starting going to the doctor with his health concerns.

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