Monday, June 24, 2024

Maybe I Do Have a Sense of Humor

For years, Doug has told me that I have no sense of humor.  I used to argue with him and tell him that it was because his jokes weren't funny that I never laughed.  Although I haven't changed my mind on that one, I did start to agree with him.  I really didn't have much of a sense of humor, especially when it came to movies and television shows.

Lately, I have been wondering, however, if my sense of humor had returned.  Last summer I realized while watching Jury Duty that I had actually laughed out loud at some parts in the show.  That made me remember that I had also liked the comedy movie, The Hangover.  It wasn't just those two productions that got me laughing.  Modern Family has been constant source of laughter in our home recently.

Tonight completely solidified my belief that I actually may have a sense of humor.  I watched Zoolander, a Ben Stiller comedy, with Cameron and Doug and enjoyed it.  I also finished another episode of Brooklyn 99 with Cameron afterward.  I found the "stupid" humor in the cop show funny and even laughed out loud at several parts.  Maybe, Doug was wrong in his evaluation of my sense of humor or maybe my sense of humor has changed.  Either way it is nice to watch movies and shows now and enjoy them instead of thinking about how dumb they are.  I don't think that I will ever get there with Blazing Saddles, however, but who knows?  Only time will tell.

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