Sunday, June 9, 2024

Meeting Karen

A big part of the reason that I wanted to go to Bloomington this weekend was to meet Karen, Brett's girlfriend.  They had been together since November, but we had not been in town when she was visiting to meet her.  I was a little bit nervous about it since I knew that Brett really liked her.  Thankfully, it went very well and we had a wonderful day.

Brett and I spent our morning at St. Charles Catholic Church.  He had decided to attend mass there as he felt that it was more geared for members his age.  It was a nice service and I was glad to try it with him.  Karen arrived shortly after we got back.  The three of us went to Buffalouies for lunch as she had never been there.  It was a great way to get to know her better and to showcase one of our favorite IU restaurants.  

After lunch, we walked up to the Union so that Karen could meet Meg and Nick.  The four of them took a walk together and I caught up with them later.  We then checked out the protesters in Dunn Meadow before walking to Kirkwood.  Brett and Karen continued shopping after our stop at Hartzell's for ice cream.  Meg and Nick took me back to Brett's so I could rest and they could get ready for mass.  Brett, Karen and I then played several games before she had to head back home.  It was a fun afternoon and I was very happy to have met such an important person in Brett's life.  

Tonight, Meg and Nick went to dinner at DaVinci's with Mallory.  They thought the Italian food was very good.  Brett and I had dinner at McAllister's and talked about his plans for the future.  It was a nice conversation.  The rest of the night was a quiet one.  Brett worked on his resume with Doug while Meg, Nick and I talked about the wedding.  I was sad that we would be leaving tomorrow, but extremely happy to have spent the last couple of days in Bloomington.  

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