Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Feeling Old

As we were eating lunch today at Grandma's and watching The Price is Right, Cameron told me that he was starting to feel old.  He had been spending the majority of his time sitting in the recliner watching gameshows.  Shortly after that, our favorite gameshow was preempted by the news that Hunter Biden was convicted on federal gun charges.  Even though the rest of the country may have thought it was newsworthy, Cameron voiced loudly that he didn't think that it deserved the thirty minutes that they devoted to it, especially since we missed the majority of the game show.  Thankfully, we still got to watch Plinko and the Showcase Showdown.

Cameron's complaining didn't stop just because The Price is Right returned.  A few minutes after the showcase ended, Cameron took a bit out of his sub and a meatball fell out on to his shirt and pants.  Grandma instantly jumped up to get a rag to help clean him up.  Once she touched his shirt, Cameron let go a bunch of expletives about how he could clean up his own mess and to back off.  I didn't say a word and Grandma just sat back down.  

Shortly after the outburst and subsequent changing of clothes, Cameron apologized for his language and for becoming extremely angry over something out of our control.   Grandma said that it was no big deal and I just laughed.  We all realized at that time that Cameron wasn't getting old, he was just turning into Grandpa.  

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