Saturday, June 15, 2024

Catching Up with Everyone

When Doug and I originally talked about me spending time in Indiana this June, we made flight reservations for my return on June 9th.  Cameron changed his plans, however, and decided that it would be a lot easier if he and Alina could fly down to Florida instead of Doug flying up to drive them.  It made sense to us as Doug would have to work a lot in June and it would give Cameron and Alina a lot more time in Florida instead of the car.  Therefore, I changed my flight to fly down with them on the 17th.  It was a good plan, but would mean that Doug and I would be apart for almost three weeks instead of less than two.  The reality of that was pretty daunting once he left on May 28th.

Last weekend, I was pretty sad that I still had another week in the Midwest without Doug.  My children were busy with their own lives, so I wasn't quite sure what I would do this week.  I finally decided that I would use the extra time in Indiana to visit friends and family that I either hadn't seen or would enjoy seeing again.  I was incredibly happy that everyone I texted or called was free to get together.

Tuesday night, I had dinner with Jen Jorczak at Sleepy Owl.  It was so nice to catch up with her as we hadn't seen each other in person in three years.  She also gave me some great advice that really helped me with a family situation.  Wednesday, I took Rachel Horsmon and her daughter, Eleanor, to Oakwood for lunch.  It was so fun to hang out with them, and Eleanor was adorable.  Wednesday night, Cameron and I drove to South Bend to visit Jackie, Jamie and the Pancoast family.  We not only tried a new restaurant, The Aspen Tap, but had a lot of fun chatting with everyone and hanging out with Benjamin and Joshua.

I got to try another new place on Thursday when I met Marisa for lunch at Biebs & Ash in Goshen.  She had some exciting news to share and I loved listening to her excitement.  After chatting with Amanda on Friday during my haircut, I stopped out at Jellystone to visit Mary.  I had so much fun taking a tour around the campground with her.  Afterward, I stopped by Roger and Darlene's for a visit.  I was sorry to hear that Roger had fractured a vertebrae in a fall and was still recuperating, but was glad to catch up on all of the neighborhood gossip that had occurred since last August.  On my way out of the neighborhood, I even got a chance to visit with our old neighbor, Josh.  He had had a rough winter as his sister had died around Christmas time.

Today was a lot of fun as well.  Cameron and I went to lunch with Rena at Sleepy Owl.  It was great to see her and hear all the stories that she had to share.  Cameron could also catch her up on his freshmen year at IU.  The night ended with me at Lakelife with Paula.  Dinner was so much fun and we got some great pictures to send to Gabrielle and Meg.  The night was still young when we left the restaurant, so we decided to surprise Mary with a visit to her campground.  Thankfully, I remembered where she was located and the three of us were soon on a golf cart trip touring the area followed by a bonfire where we roasted s'mores with the Brower family. It was the perfect way to spend my last night in Syracuse.

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