Thursday, June 27, 2024

Complete Embarrassment

Tonight left all of us embarrassed to be Americans.  First, the US men's soccer team lost to Panama during the Copa America in a game that they should have easily won.  It was made worse by the fact that the US team played a man down because one of their players received a red card for punching a Panamanian early in the game.  It didn't give us a lot to be proud of in the 2-3 loss.  After the loss, we then watched Trump and Biden put on the worst presidential debate in United States history.  Cameron and Doug were probably most disappointed by the soccer loss, but agreed with me that Trump's ignorant statements and Biden's feeblemindedness were awful to witness.  Other countries had to be laughing at us for believing that those two men were the best that we had to offer as leader of the US.  

I do believe that the US men's team could still make it to the knock out round in the Copa America by beating Uruguay on Monday.  There's no way, however, that we rebound as a country from the disaster that we saw tonight at the Presidential debate.  I cannot imagine either one of those buffoons running their own household let alone an entire nation.  I cannot in good faith vote for Biden as he had absolutely no idea what he was talking about tonight.  He made no sense and couldn't answer the majority of the questions.  The alternative isn't any better as Trump gave incorrect facts and was completely racist.  

I couldn't blame my children for saying that they might not vote this year. I remembered feeling that way when George H.W. Bush ran against Michael Dukakis in 1988.  As a twenty year old, I thought they were both old and out of touch at the time, but they were 64 and 55 respectively.  I would take either one of them back in a heartbeat.  At least they were honest and coherent.  Hopefully, this year's debate wakes up both political parties and there is someone better on the ticket in November than what we just saw.  

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