Friday, June 7, 2024

Making Good Choices

Doug told me when we were first married that making good choices can sometimes be hard, but in the end they can make life a lot easier.  As we have gotten older, I have seen his thoughts come to fruition.  Over the years, we have worked very hard to overcome adversity, be self sufficient and persevere in tough situations.  The best part is that we have passed these traits onto our children.  It has been wonderful to see them put these skills to work in their own lives and make good choices themselves.  

This sentiment hasn't always been share by others.  I remember several times making decisions that we felt were good ones, but were highly criticized by others.  We were often told that we were being snobby by not attending weddings where we were uncomfortable with the choices made by the bride and groom.  We weren't judging them. We just wanted our children to understand that marriage was a life commitment not to be taken lightly.  We are glad that they all followed that advice.  None of them have rushed to get married and we respect them highly for that.  

Lately, I have been extremely frustrated, however.  Even though we have spent our life making good choices, recently it has felt that we haven't really benefitted from that.  In fact, I can honestly say that the last two and a half years have been some of the most challenging ones of our lives.  It makes me fear for the future, but Doug reminds me daily that there has been a lot of positives in our life that out way the negative.  I know that he is 100% correct.  It's just hard to see that sometimes, especially when it feels like we have been slammed with a lot of adversities these past few years.  The nice part is that I know that we are a hard working family that always figures out what we need to do to succeed and that no one supports one another more than our family.  There's nothing more positive than that.  

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