Monday, June 3, 2024

Furniture Painting

Several weeks ago, my mom told me that she found a dresser for Cameron's apartment in Bloomington.  I hadn't seen it, but knew that he would need one so I liked the idea of it.  Last week I got a good look at it.  Although it was sturdy and would hold a lot, I realized that it would need a paint job if he was going to take it with him to college.  Dirty white wasn't the most appealing.  

I had never painted furniture before, so I started watching a lot of different videos about it on YouTube.  I got some really good ideas, but several of them would be more money than I would want to spend on an old dresser.  While my parents and I were at Menards on Saturday picking out tile and paint for their new bathroom, I went ahead and picked up supplies for the dresser.  It was a little more than I intended to spend, but then I would have extra for another project later.  

I started painting the dresser Saturday afternoon at 4 and by 9:15 I had two coats on it.  While it was drying, I spray painted the handles that Grandpa had found at a garage sale.  The original ones were way too dated.  Yesterday, I put the third coat on the dresser and today I reattached the handles and put the drawers back.  I sent pictures to Jackie as she had given me tips on painting furniture, my Aunt Jan who was there when Grandma bought it, Doug who is always super supportive and Meg who talked to me for quite awhile when I was painting. They all thought it looked great!  Alina agreed with everyone else's opinion when she came to swim tonight with Cameron, and thankfully he loved it as well.  I knew that was the most important as he would be the one using it.  I am not ready to paint other furniture anytime soon, but am proud of what I have done so far.  

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