Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Balancing Work Life

Brett had received some interesting news at work this morning that made him start thinking about what he would like to do as a career in the future.  It also made him think more about where he wanted to live.  It was a fun conversation to have with him.  I could understand why he would not want to live in Bloomington for all of his adult life.  I could also relate to wanting to try something new as I always think change is good.  The best part is that Brett has planned well and has money set aside for the future.  Thus, he doesn't have to worry too much about an unexpected or planned life change.

Cal and Meg had both talked about Plante Moran and the work life there while we were in Chicago.  They had some of the same opinions and some differences.  That made sense to me as they work in different departments and are at different levels in the company.  I talk to Meg more about her job than Cal, but I do understand from both public accounting can be extremely challenging at times.  The hours can be long and the competition among peers can be tough.  I remember that well from Doug's experience.  It wasn't my favorite job of his, but the pay was good and the benefits were really nice.

Lately, the one that I worry about most with work life balance is actually Doug.  He has been working an unthinkable amount of hours and I wish for him that it would slow down.  I realize that there is a lot to do and he is a key component of the company's success.  I just wish he could take some time off and not have to bring so much home.  The hours remind me of his days in public accounting.  The one nice part is that his job is flexible and he can work remotely if needed.  That has been very nice and will be extremely helpful as we prepare for Meg's wedding in July.  

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