Thursday, June 20, 2024

Disney Springs

Cameron, Alina and I were all exhausted from our day at the beach, so last night we hung out at home, ordered chicken for dinner and played games once Doug got back from work.  It was nice to relax as we had been on the go non-stop.  We did more of the same this afternoon, except that we left the house to go to McAlister's for lunch and Sholom Park for a walk.  Alina enjoyed both very much.

Tonight was a little more tiring, but still a lot of fun.  We left at 4 for Orlando.  Traffic was hectic and it took a little longer, but no one minded as we were able to walk right on Fantasia mini golf.  We had a lot of fun competing against each other.  Cameron was mad that he fell apart on the back nine, but got over it pretty quickly.  I was happy as it gave me a one point victory.

The rest of our evening was spent at Disney Springs.  It was a lot more crowded than the golf course, but we were still able to do everything that we wanted.  We had dinner at Splitsville, got cookies from Gideon's and did some shopping.  Cameron bought a Coke hat and Alina find a cute shirt before we left.  On our drive out we watched Disney's new drone show, which attributed to the crowds.  It was cute and a nice way to end our evening in Orlando.

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