Thursday, June 13, 2024

This is Their Day All Day Everyday

Cameron and I went to dinner tonight with Jeannette's family and Jackie and Jamie.  It was a lot of fun and we both enjoyed it very much.  Joshua and Benjamin are always entertaining and we found the conversation at dinner very delightful.  It was also nice to try a new place, The Aspen Tap, and the meals we ordered were delicious.

The two of us spent several hours with my cousins before heading back to Syracuse.  We didn't talk a lot about the night on our drive to Grandma's, but once we got home I told Cameron how much I appreciated him going with me.  He said that he had a wonderful time especially listening to Joshua and Benjamin talk about Mine Craft.  He followed up that comment with, "You know the last three hours were a lot of fun, but also exhausting.  I just keep thinking that's their day all day everyday.  I'm not sure that I could do that."  After hanging out with the boys and my friend Rachel's toddler, I couldn't agree more.  I loved raising my own children, but was definitely at a point in my life that I was ready to hang out with my friends' and family's children instead of having youngsters living in my own home.  I was so glad that the Pancoasts and Mrs. Horsmon are willing to share their children with me today.  I was also happy that Cameron understood exactly how I felt.

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