Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Seventy Degrees in November

Except for Monday, this has been an absolutely beautiful week with temperatures reaching into the 70s the past two days.  Cameron even called me on the way home from Bethany yesterday to let me know that the thermometer was reading 78 degrees in the van.  I felt bad that the only day that was dreary and rainy was Halloween, but overall this has been a wonderful way to start November.

I took advantage of the unseasonably warm weather to take a long walk yesterday and to feed the birds.  Today, I spent quite a bit of time outside taking down the Halloween and putting up the Thanksgiving.  In all our years of decorating for the November holiday, I couldn't remember a nicer day to do so as the sun was out all afternoon.  

The weather wasn't the only thing that made decorating a happy occasion today.  As I was sorting through the holiday decorations for both Halloween and Thanksgiving I realized that over the past two years I had actually purged enough to downsize from five orange and black tubs to two.  That seemed so much more manageable to me.  

Cameron also took advantage of the beautiful afternoon to hang out with Jordan and Samuel.  They went to the Brew after school and then took a long walk downtown.  Tonight, we finally watched the last of the Halloween specials turning on Disney's Legend of Sleepy Hollow.  It has always been one of my favorites and I was glad that the Heinisch children have all come to enjoy it as much as I do.  Meg watched it earlier in the week and called to say that she was positive that Brom Bones was really the Headless Horseman.  Cal felt that he was a ghost instead.  Cameron agreed with Cal and also with my opinion that Ichabod Crane had escaped the Headless Horseman to marry a rich widow in a neighboring town.  No matter who was right, we could all agree that Brett was still able to sing every word of the opening song highlighting Ichabod's features - " . . . are those shovels or are those feet."  

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