Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Holiday World

Brett and Cameron left this morning at 9 for the two hour drive to Holiday World.  They texted me multiple times throughout the day to let me know that they were having a lot of fun.  They also sent pictures from all four holiday themed lands.  They rode on multiple roller coasters and several intense spinning rides.  They even took a turn on a turkey shooting ride.  They both said that it was lame, but they enjoyed it just the same.  For lunch they had funnel cakes and fried Reese's.  Cameron said that he regretted that on the ride home.  They made it back to Bloomington close to 10 p.m.  They were exhausted, but made time to show me their souvenirs, before relaxing for the night.  Cameron was proud of his new bucket hat.  He and Brett also bought matching t-shirts.  Overall, it was a great day and I was extremely glad that they went.  I greeted them with breadsticks from Pizza X when they returned.  Cameron was happy for some "real food."

While Brett and Cameron were busy, I spent the day organizing Brett's bedroom.  He had asked me several times since December if I could help him.  I was glad that I finally had a day to do so.  Normally, he kept his door closed when we were visiting.  He had been using the room as a catch all for everything that he couldn't find a place for in the rest of the apartment.  It took me about seven hours, but I got it all done.  I reorganized the top of his dressers.  I changed up some of the drawers as well.  I also unloaded a few tubs and cleaned out the closet.  In the end it looked very nice.  I did take some time off to run errands and watch Wimbledon.  I even picked up KFC for lunch.  Overall, it was a great day to be in Bloomington.

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