Monday, June 20, 2022

Hard Work Paying Off

Last night Doug told me that the best part of Father's Day was seeing how well his own children were doing managing life.  I thought a lot about what he said, especially after Cal called today to tell us about his positive performance evaluation at work.  Our children have all been successful and I am very proud of the four of them.  

Over the years I have come to realize that a large part of their success revolves around the positive influence that Doug has been on their life.  He has been supportive and encouraging of them from day one.  He has been their coach, their mentor and at times their voice of reason.  He has worked hard in his career to pay for their needs, including their college expenses.  He wanted each of his children to walk out of their college graduation debt free with a car to drive.  Doug knew from experience that having those needs met would help greatly for them in the future.  

During Doug first years post college he didn't have loans to pay off, but he did have to buy a car, pay rent at home and come up with money for his car insurance as soon as he graduated.  Those expenses were tough on his tight budget.  Much like Cal, he didn't start working right away as he studied for the CPA.  He worked for my parents that summer, saving up as much as he could. 

Over the years, it has been challenging at times to fund those expenses because costs have increased greatly from when we were in college.  We have budgeted and done without to make it work.  I have always been impressed with how Doug was willing to work multiple jobs so that we could pay for their education while allowing me to stay at home to be an integral part of our children's lives.  He has also made it a priority to enjoy life with his children outside of our daily routine.  We have taken some wonderful trips over the years and have spent countless hours with our children.  Overall, Doug's role as father has been nothing less than impressive and I am so incredibly blessed to have been the mother of his children.  I know that they feel the same way.  Meg said it best yesterday when she posted this beloved picture with the capture, "Happy Father's Day to my biggest role model."  

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