Thursday, July 18, 2019

Thankful for an Inaccurate Forecast

All week long we had been warned that this afternoon would start an excessive heat wave with temperatures in the 90s and a heat index near 110.  Cam and I prepared for it with a break from our normal routine.  Instead of playing tennis and then heading to the golf course, he and my Dad made tee times for 8:30 this morning.  That would allow Cam to get a practice round in before the heat warning started at 2 p.m.  Knowing that he had two tournaments coming up, he wanted to prepare for them.  Since I had to make sure that Cam was up early, I decided to take a walk, water the flowers, feed the birds, and run errands before it became too unbearable to be outside.  My Mom texted me just as I got out of the shower to let me know that Grandpa and Cam were at their house eating lunch if I wanted to join them.  I headed down before noon while the temperature was still below ninety.

As soon as lunch was over, the skies opened up and the rain came down.  It proceeded to rain for the next several hours.  We were thankful for the inaccurate weather forecast, but bummed that the lightening hit a transmitter in town blowing out the power at Grandma Jane's.  We didn't let it alter our plans, however, and spent the next hour or so playing buck euchre.  Cam and I were glad that our power was on when we got home.  Cam watched the British Open while I worked on dinner for Meg and her friends.  She had invited several counselors to come home for break with her.  They enjoyed eating together, relaxing, cleaning up, and using the wifi.  They headed back to camp around 6:30, well before Doug got home from work.  It was a quiet night here afterward.  We were all glad to hear that Grandma's power was restored.

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