Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Here Comes the Rain . . .

. . . or not.  All day long I got updates on my phone letting me know when to expect the rain.   It didn't matter what time it said that the storms were to arrive this afternoon, the weather never changed - sunshine, heat and humidity were all that Cam and I felt.  It didn't alter any of our plans.  Cam still made it to tennis.  While he was there I completed all of our grocery shopping including stops at Aldi and Walmart.  I had just bought peanuts for the birds and squirrel corn at Menards when he called to tell me they were done.  He and I headed to Warsaw next to pick up his new eye glasses.  We also scored a cheap lunch with $2 Tuesdays at Ben's.

At home Cam took some time to ride his bike around the neighborhood.  I also went for a walk.  It was hot for both of us, but not enough to keep us from enjoying the afternoon.  Meg got home around 5:00 for her break.  She had had a great day at camp, but was frustrated with her business class.  The dates were not the same as what she was told at orientation.  We were all under the direct impression that it wouldn't start until July 15th.  Yet, in the email she got today, it stated that they should already be working on week 2.  At first she was in a panic about how she would finish two weeks and still work at camp.  Once she began working on the week 1 assignment, she felt a lot better about it. By the time she left she had finished the homework for the first week and had a plan for how to finish week 2 by Saturday afternoon.  She was excited about the research project and started throwing out ideas for it already.

While I was making Meg's dinner, it finally started to rain.  I ran outside to roll up her windows, and although the change in weather didn't lessen the humidity, I didn't mind.  I was just happy to finally have my plants and yard watered naturally.  Brett did not share my sentiment, however.  He said that it poured in Bloomington and then became extremely hot.  After driving home in it and going out for a meeting at SPEA, he decided to stay inside the rest of the night enjoying his air conditioning.  I couldn't blame him for that.

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