Saturday, July 27, 2019

Saturday Fun

Brett had to work this morning and was late getting back to his apartment as he was listening to one of the residents play the piano.  We didn't mind at all and was glad that he was able to do so.  I used that time to take a walk, and Doug and Cam played tennis.  It was hot, but still enjoyable enough to be outside.  Once everyone showered and Brett got home we all went to Oliver Winery for lunch.  It was the perfect day for a picnic.  Cam and Brett even got out the bocce ball set out and played a game or two before we left.

After lunch we all went to see The Little Shop of Horrors musical.  It was part of the IU summer theater series.  I wasn't sure what to expect, but Brett and Cam had seen both movies beforehand. The topic was strange with a man eating plant as the focus, but we all really enjoyed it even though the ending was sad.  We went to TIS after the musical so that Cam and I could each get new IU gear.  From there we drove Brett to an interview at Aldi's.  It was on the south side of town, but the position would be at a new Aldi close to Brett's apartment.  It wasn't a typical interview as there were eight prospective employees at the meeting.  They were asked questions about Aldi and given information about the job.  It would be full time and more money then Brett is currently making at the Union.  The duties would be relatively the same except that he would have to learn scheduling.  He would also still be able to work part time at Bell Trace.  He'll find out Monday if he makes it to the next round of interviews.  Brett wasn't worried as he has two jobs that he currently enjoys and that support him.  He also got a text over the weekend inviting him to work on a state reps upcoming political campaign.  He was excited about that as well.

While Brett was busy, we took Cam to Kohl's.  He wanted to do some back to school shopping and we found some great clothes for him.  After we picked Brett up, we all went bowling at Cascade Lanes.  Doug started off strong, but Cameron caught on fire and destroyed us all.   It was a lot of fun. We still had some more shopping to do, so we made the mall our next stop.  We got Meg a refrigerator at Best Buy, returned the modem at Target, made purchases at Yankee Candle and Dick's, and did some window shopping.  Brett picked Upland Brewing Company for dinner.  We were glad that they could seat us right away.  Brett tried a few of their craft beer samples while Cam ate a DJ's spicy chicken sandwich.  They both enjoyed them, but only Cameron had tears in his eyes by the end.  We ended the evening playing Exploding Kittens, The Donner Party Dinner game and A Ticket to Ride back at Brett's apartment.  It was such a wonderful day.

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