Thursday, September 12, 2019

Knock, Knock . . .

For the past five years I have had a recurring dream.  Although I can never remember the details, it always ends with someone knocking.  When I first started having these dreams, the knocking always came from our front door.  I would jump out of bed, sure that someone was there.  No one ever was.  I thought that these dreams had something to do with leaving the front door open for Cal when he would go out with his friends.  I figured that my subconscious must have been telling me that he was home and that I could lock the door.

Years went by, Cal left for college, and the dreams continued.  The knocking would wake me up as usual, but I noticed that the sound wouldn't always come from the front door.  Sometimes it would be from our bedroom door and other times it would be the wall above the bed.  Last night was a first, the knocking was just as loud, but it was on the side of the mattress.

As knocking on a mattress wouldn't actually make much of a sound, I decided to finally explore what this type of dream meant.  The internet popped up dozens of websites, each with an opening paragraph stating, "If you hear knocking in your dream, it's possible your subconscious is trying to get your attention."  I wasn't sure what my mind wanted me to know, but it made sense to me.  Before I clicked off of the search engine, however, I noticed one small blurb giving a slightly different explanation for my dream.  In the 1920s it was widely accepted that knocking in a dream was a sign that someone from the dead was trying to reach you.  Hmmm . . . it might not be the most accepted interpratation now, but it definitely made my dreams a little more interesting, especially since this was Friday the 13th.

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