Tuesday, June 19, 2018

A Manicure for the Pigs

Today Cam, Mom and I took the guinea pigs to the veterinarian's for a "manicure."  When we first got Cosmo and Apollo we were told that they would never need their nails trimmed as they would naturally wear them down.  After a couple of months we realized that this was not the case.  Since that time period we have taken two pigs in for a trim every three months or so.  We have always gotten a few comments while we were in the waiting room.  Most start with "Wow!  Those are some big guinea pigs."  They definitely could pass as baby groundhogs if spotted outside.

Today the pigs were pretty calm while on the medical table.  I was glad that we took Grandma Jane along.  She was able to hold them since Meg was still at camp.  Cosmo and Apollo would hide for the rest of the day once we returned.  Rizzo and Atmo seemed to handle it a little better.  Maybe it's because they share the same cage, but within a couple of minutes of our return they were already squealing for carrots.  I did notice when we changed their cage later in the day that they didn't move much away from it, huddled together in a corner.  Not sure if they were traumatized from their trip to the vet or just being their normal timid selves.  Either way, Cam and I got a kick out of watching them.  Glad we decided to add them to the Heinisch home a year ago.  It would be strangely quiet without them.

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