Thursday, September 5, 2024

Wedding Planning

When Meg was planning her wedding, she told me right away that she wanted to do all the planning and would ask me when she needed specific help. That worked great for me. I had already planned my own wedding. I wasn’t looking to relive that through one of my children. Meg had specific items that she wanted me to be in charge of, but for the most part her and Nick did everything and used me more as a cheerleader than an organizer.

When I asked Brett and Karen what they would like me to do to help with wedding preparations, they had a different answer. Since they both work during the day, they were interested in me being the contact person, information gatherer, and support system. Meg said that she would help as well and this week we started on the preparations.

Karen was able to secure the church which was awesome as they now had a wedding date set.  Meg told us that the next big step was finding a reception hall as soon as possible. Karen had asked the church as they had a gym, but then she and Brett would have to supply all of the tables, chairs, caterer, bartender, etc. That seemed a little daunting.  Meg sent her a link to a reception hall in the area that she thought would work really well. Brett asked me to call them and today I had a lot of great information to pass a long from the Knights of Columbus. They had the perfect hall for a reception at an affordable price that included exactly what Brett and Karen would need. I was excited about the possibility of that and turned the contact information over to them so they could look at it next weekend. After that, I helped them plan a budget and come up with a timeline of getting things done for the wedding.

I am looking forward to helping Brett and Karen as much as they need or as little as they want. I know they will have a fun wedding that is perfect for them. I am super thankful that Meg just did all of this so we have some great ideas to start. I reminded Brett and Karen, just like I did Meg and Nick, it’s not about the wedding day, it’s about starting a marriage. As long as they remember that, the wedding plans will go very well.

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