Monday, September 16, 2024

Too Old for This

Last weekend, Doug and I decided to go to Epcot for their annual Food and Wine Festival. It had started in August but we hadn’t been able to find a weekend to go. We were both excited as we loved the food there and I always love walking around countries. We thought that we would also ride a few rides and pick up my annual pass magnet as Pumba and Timon were featured.

We started on the Canada side of the countries and found several dishes to try right away. I was a little bit disappointed that Ireland did not have a stand this year but was extremely excited when I saw the same chocolate cake at the Americas booth. We really liked everything that we sampled. The chili dog from the US was probably my favorite, although the chocolate cake and the pumpkin ravioli were very good as well. Doug liked everything he ate, and it was a fun afternoon.

The only downside to going last weekend was that it was extremely hot. We tried to cool off by riding Sorin', but the line was too long. We also didn’t realize that the magnets were actually at Animal Kingdom so we had to stop there on the way out of town. I didn’t do very well with the heat and after three hours, we knew that it was time to head home.

Since we had a free Sunday this weekend, I suggested to Doug that we go back to Epcot. He was more than interested and we headed to there for lunch after the bake sale. I was thankful that it was cooler than last weekend, but as we were leaving a couple stopped us and said to be prepared as it was really hot. They were right, but we stayed in the shade and drink plenty of liquids to stay hydrated. We got to sample different food this time and loved all of it, especially the peanut butter and jelly wings. We once again headed to Soarin' at the end of our trip around the countries, but I realized that I just couldn’t make it. I was too hot and too tired to stay longer. Doug didn’t mind leaving because riding the rides is not his number one priority. He was very glad, however, that we got to try the food again.

I spent the rest of the night watching the Bears football game and resting. I hate to say it, but I’m pretty sure I’m too old to do this anymore at least not in the heat. Thankfully, Doug said he didn’t care how long we stayed; it was just fun doing something together. I was very glad to hear that.

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