Monday, September 2, 2024

SAB and Big Ten Plus

Thursday night I was feeling a little bit down about the fact that we weren’t going to be in Bloomington this weekend. I knew that Cameron was going to the men’s and women’s soccer games, so I suggested to Doug that we watched them tonight. I didn’t know if we’d see Cameron at all like we did last year, but at least we’d feel closer to the action at IU. I was a little bit bummed when I saw that the games were not on the Big Ten network which we could watch for free, but on Big 10+.  It would cost me $13 to activate the streaming service and I wasn’t sure that I would use it very much. Doug said to go ahead and do it. He likes watching soccer and it was a lot cheaper than going to a movie.

Doug and I watched both the men and women’s games on Thursday night. Cameron was front and center in the Hoosier Army in both matches, and we saw him on the television screen multiple times. We even got to see him carry the IU flag after the men scored their first goal, high-fiving the crowd as he ran along the fence line. Afterward, Cameron told us that he was lighting off the smoke bombs during the game as well.  The running, humidity, and smoke were tough on his asthma, but otherwise he had a lot of fun. I was so glad that we got to watch it.

After the soccer games were over, I decided to see what else Big 10+ had to offer in the way of IU sports his weekend. I was pleased to see that there was another men’s soccer game on Sunday that we could watch. I was even more excited to see that they were televising women’s field hockey as well. I knew that Cameron would be at that one since he is a Student Athletic Board chairperson for that sport.  Doug and I made plans to watch both and enjoyed seeing Cameron once again at the soccer game and leading the cheers in the crowd at field hockey.

Tonight, we flipped on the women’s volleyball game. Neither Doug nor I were huge into that sport, but we knew that Cameron would be there with SAB. I thought it was doubtful that we would see him at the game as they were held in Assembly Hall and the crowds were pretty big. Thus, I was absolutely floored when on the first serve by the opponents team, there was Cameron in the background dressed as a cockroach. He wasn’t the only cockroach in the crowd. There was also a SpongeBob, a carton of milk, a pumpkin and many more costumes. The students helped rally the girls o victory.  

I was so happy to end our holiday weekend watching Cameron on the big screen again.  It had been awesome to be a part of all of the IU action even thought we couldn’t physically be in Bloomington. Tonight, I was incredibly thankful for Student Athletic Board and Big Ten Plus.  Both made our weekend a lot of fun. 

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