Saturday, September 14, 2024

5th Year Class Reunion

Meg and Nick left for Syracuse last night after she got off of work. This weekend was their fifth-year class reunion, and they were looking forward to attending even though their closest friends weren’t able to be there. It was a little bit hard to believe that it was already five years since Meg had graduated from Bethany, but so much had happened in those five years that it also seemed like a long period of time. Either way, I was glad that they would be able to attend, spend time with grandma and grandpa, and see Millie before they headed back to Chicago on Sunday.  They had even planned on taking time to visit KeShawn's grave.  Meg knew that he would have loved attending their five year.

Meg called me today to let me know that the reunion was a success. It was held at Bethany during alumni weekend. There was a food truck and activities for their class. Meg and Nick weren’t the only ones in their class that had gotten married since they graduated. Another student had wed last year. They both enjoyed talking to him and meeting his wife. They had a lot of shared experiences and talked about getting together again this fall in Chicago. Before they left, they took pictures of their composite photos that now hung digitally on the wall at Bethany. I was very happy to hear that everything had went well. Class reunions can be hard but going into them with the right attitude and realistic expectations makes all the difference.

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