Friday, September 13, 2024

How Can You Get Dates Dressed as a Cockroach?

I have really been enjoying watching different IU sporting events on the Big Ten+ app.  Today I was able to catch a field hockey game and a women's volleyball game.  The women won their field hockey game easily against Ball State.  It's not a sport that I completely understand, but it is fun to watch.  It's also the one that Cameron is a chairman of, so I keep up with what's happening with the team pretty easily.  This afternoon Cameron carried the flag after each goal and led cheers in the student section.

Tonight, Doug, Phil and I watched the volleyball game.  Phil said that it is his favorite women's sport to watch.  I was surprised to hear that, because Doug and I thought that it was a little long but were glad that he was willing to watch it with us. We knew that Cameron was at this game as well, but didn't see him right away.  After a couple of points, I found him in the second row dressed as a cockroach along with many of his peers.  It was fun to see the students cheer after each point and taunt the opposing team's players.  The announcers on television said that IU had one of the best volleyball student sections in the Big Ten. I knew from Cameron that the coach loved having them there and planned on a pizza party for the students at the end of the season.

Phil found the student section very entertaining, especially the costumes.  He mentioned multiple times that there was no way Cameron would ever get a date dressed as a cockroach.  I thought that was pretty funny as Cameron didn't usually have a lot of problems getting attention from girls.  I also knew that he wasn't looking to date anyone right now.  I tried to tell Phil that, but he still was positive that Cameron needed to change up his costume to get college girls' attention.  After a little bit of debate, I finally showed him a recent picture of Cameron with a group of co-eds in a car, all of whom had been dressed as cockroaches at the volleyball games.  Phil just laughed when I reminded him that Cameron might just be a little more in touch with college girls right now then his uncle's memory of years ago.

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